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Z Hopeful

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  1. I've declared my mods including exhaust. A bit wary about putting decats on though. Are they illegal with them not passing an mot test and would they void your insurance?
  2. I recently buggered my standard clutch so I was shopping around for a clutch and light flywheel. As like most though I didn't want something that was going to sound like the gearbox was going to drop out. I reckon an aluminium one would be too much noise to cope with. After a couple of traders hadn't replied to me, about their kit I went to clark motorsport and saw their extreme organic clutch and single mass flywheel kit. Now my knowledge about clutches is limited I'm not too clued up technically so bare with me. when I had it fitted, straight away it felt a lot better than standard, more aggressive but easy to use day to day. It seems to grab better and going through the gears feels more responsive. It just feels strong and sharp. As for the flywheel the car spins up so much quicker now. Coming from a long line of Hondas which rev up quick, the only thing I didn't like about the v6 was that it felt a bit lazy. It now spins up like a 4 pot. Much more rev happy. Now I know a lot are a bit wary of going to single mass for the noise. It really is hardly ever noticeable. The only time I can hear it really is when I put slight revs on in 2nd gear it makes a bit of noise but that's been picky. You'd have to turn radio down to hear it. I doubt it would bother the fussiest of drivers. All in all the kit is great. Definitely recommend it. The guys at Clark were good too. Talked me through everything and a great service. Cheers
  3. JWT Popcharger available. PM for pics and costs.
  4. I'd recommend the extreme organic clutch and single mass from Clarke motorsport. Brilliant piece of kit.
  5. Ive gone for the extreme package from Clark motorsport. Organic and lightweight single mass flywheel. I'll let you know how it goes.
  6. Sorry.... phones on a go slow^^
  7. Thanks blimsa. I'm going to buy new now, I finally sold my civic last night. Just waiting on a reply from zmanalex for a price.
  8. Thanks blimsa. I'm going to buy new now, I finally sold my civic last night. Just waiting on a reply from zmanalex for a price.
  9. Thanks blimsa. I'm going to buy new now, I finally sold my civic last night. Just waiting on a reply from zmanalex for a price.
  10. Thanks blimsa. I'm going to buy new now, I finally sold my civic last night. Just waiting on a reply from zmanalex for a price.
  11. Thanks blimsa. I'm going to buy new now, I finally sold my civic last night. Just waiting on a reply from zmanalex for a price.
  12. Bit of a long shot but if someone has the above or a lightweight flywheel on its own give me a shout. Obviously must be good nick. Not feeling flush enough to buy new at the minute as I'm half way through having my new kitchen fitted and the zeds clutch is totally gone
  13. Cheers for the input, I work away all week and the small amount of time at home I get, I am renovating a house. So you can imagine how much time I get free to disassemble fan motors. Hence why I am asking for some cheap working ones. Time literally is money. The only thing I look forward to after a week down south I'd a spin in my z. So as requested I'd like some working ones from someone breaking please as I don't want to open a can of worms messing around.
  14. billydc2


    Mods please delete.. turns out it's my fan motors. I've started a new thread
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