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Everything posted by spudy

  1. spudy

    engine blown

    Has any one heard of global engines, they are advertising a engine with 17k on it fitted for £2495.
  2. spudy

    engine blown

    And thank you all for the help well appreciated.
  3. spudy

    engine blown

    Hi keep trying to upload a picture but for some reason won't let me. Z is 04 grey,18 sport wheels brembo breaks and black leather interior FC04.
  4. spudy

    engine blown

    OK brilliant thank you very much.
  5. spudy

    engine blown

    Mine is a 04 and 97k, and yes I think I will take it somewhere for a 2nd opinion thanks.
  6. spudy

    engine blown

    Please excuse bad spelling and grammar righting while walking to work. (Don't want to risk using car)
  7. spudy

    engine blown

    They just said it would cost to much to bother and I should scrap car, but there is no way I'm going to scrap the z and smokes when I start and then at hight revs. Found a place could globle engines that other a engine change for £2495 but have read mixed reviews.i am going to pop to a 2nd garage tho to see what they say.
  8. spudy

    engine blown

    Hi they just said that it looks like the person who had it before me had not been putting the wright oil in it or if any at some points I've had it for 3 months and have topped it up the apperntly to little to late she still runs but sometimes get white smelly smoke hence taking to garage. I fort might be as I haven't driven enough only done 210 since had z. And tbh I would travel to get a decent job done I'm based in stevenage. Z still is drivable at moment and was a private bye so no warranty my fault as I should off had a inspection but was to excited off getting z
  9. spudy

    engine blown

    OK will do thanks
  10. spudy

    engine blown

    Thanks do hope so as I do like the car
  11. Hi I recently got a 350z and unfortunately after a trip to the garage last week have been told engine is on its way out, does anyone know a good reliable place to bye and have a new engine installed as heard lots off horror storeys about some places any help would be brill thanks
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