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  1. Hey guys so I have got rid if B1145 as it needed a new curtain airbag. But I still have a solid airbag light on which is still showing Code B1129(Right Side Module). This car was a crashed damaged one so would I need a new module? Also can someone tell me the location of this please.
  2. Hello all, So finally I have decided to check my fault codes 😅. The only one that came up was the B1145 & B1129 for the airbag light being on. From only having s quick look it's seems to be something to do with the seat? Could someone be so kind to clue me up with this please.
  3. Thank you for the advise.
  4. Hey Ladies and gents, Just wondering has anyone tried these japspeed sports cats? And did they pass the mot? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/152192031442?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D777008%26algo%3DPERSONAL.TOPIC%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20221115143302%26meid%3Dbe0f1f0e56e54b1e856e79948cb26627%26pid%3D101613%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26mehot%3Dpp%26itm%3D152192031442%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D4375194%26algv%3DRecentlyViewedItemsV2Mobile%26brand%3DJapspeed&_trksid=p4375194.c101613.m146925&_trkparms=parentrq%3A67fb2e4818c0a8cec1dbdbd0ffffbcf6|pageci%3Ad750ad23-9a6f-11ee-8429-f21abd8fe704|iid%3A1|vlpname%3Avlp_homepage
  5. How do ladies and gents, So I have just bought a V3 bumper to go on my 350 and I have been told that there will be quite a gap from the bumper to the engine under tray. I have been told that you can make one and people have on the forum. Could someone be so kind to send me a link to the treat please. Nick
  6. How do ladies and gents, So I have just bought a V3 bumper to go on my 350 and I have been told that there will be quite a gap from the bumper to the engine under tray. I have been told that you can make one and people have on the forum. Could someone be so kind to send me a link to the treat please. Nick
  7. How do ladies and gents, Just wondered if anyone has used Quantum in their 350z as it used to be made by castrol back in the day and I know a lot of your guys and gals use that. I have used it loads in my minis but was thinking should I use it in my 350z?
  8. DiMarco

    NSF Headlight

    Hey guys, So I now need a NSF headlight if anyone had one? Just the NS only. Nick
  9. Ow I wish you were closer but to far from me.
  10. No not just yet I have it on some drive in ramps. It looks like it has some decats on which have been welded up. So I will also be looking for some sports cats.
  11. Good morning ladies and gents, So i am looking for a NSF wing, N2 front bumper coolant bottle cap and possible bonnet if in grey. I will possibly have some further parts required
  12. How do Ladies and Gent's, So I thought I would create a thread for my 350z project. So as some of you might know I have bought a 2004 DE 350z. Now she is a category N from Copart but all honestly she looks in pretty good nick. From the car arriving yesterday I have noticed that the previous owner who sold it through Copart has tarted it up before selling by putting another bumper that used to be orange and has been badly rattle caned 🤣, badly scratch silver bonnet and a new headlight. From what I see this was to hide the damage to the NSF. The car runs really well and gearbox seems good which is the great news. I am going to need a few bits like a NSF wing, front bumper which i am looking for an N2 and possibly a bonnet depending how much and it being in grey. That's the start so far as I haven't gone over it to much as that will be today. I am going to be making YouTube videos of this build like I have done with previous cars encase anyone is interested and can follow the progress and give me some hints and tips throughout 👍. The first video will be coming out this week possibly today. Be great to see some of you guys on there. https://youtube.com/@sparrowscarprojects-em3fe?si=xpPxHTv40l8e7w1- Watch this space 😉
  13. Don't worry guys I will be putting up regular videos to my YouTube channel so if you are interested then have a look. Don't forget to like and subscribe 🤣😂 https://youtube.com/@sparrowscarprojects-em3fe?si=NVKQF6Vlf56GH5Gc
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