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Everything posted by Sargara

  1. I dont understand how anyone that is not a home owner would vote to remain. Immigration is only pushing house prices in one direction, and we cant fit all the required housing stock in indefinitely at the rate of yearly immigration we are receiving. I can see the appeal of Remain for business owners, home owners etc. But any of the younger generations are shafted via job prospects, welfare or housing.
  2. Haha! Guilty as charged, no sound here currently and I've never found youtube subtitles up to much.
  3. The good old National Institute of Economic and Social Research eh? "Funding is recieved through commissioned research projects from a variety of sources: <snip>, the European Commision, <snip> Nah I'll pass. Nice try tho.
  4. I'd say its more the killing of Jo Cox that has had a bigger impact than the poster. On the whole nobody is openly saying it but theres some very big not-so subtle hints being dished out about it. I think its pretty clear it plays better towards one side than the other.
  5. Try it first I reckon. Worst comes to worse sell up after giving it a shot?
  6. Oh look another rich individual who has vested interests in the UK staying in Europe trying to persuade us not to trouble their potential future profits with our silly things like deciding how we want to live. Yawn! Let me know when our PM gets to fly to America and tell them they need to integrate with Mexico yeah?
  7. ] This for starters. 28psi is too low for motorway/urban driving a heavy car like this. And secondly you should go and get yourself booked in for a 4 wheel alignment check with a before and after printout by the sound of it. Once you've done both of the above, report back.
  8. We buy more from the EU than we sell to them, its in their interest to maintain the status quo. https://www.uktradeinfo.com/Statistics/OverseasTradeStatistics/Pages/OTS.aspx Our top export market isnt even in the EU, its America who we dont even have a trade deal with: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/24/trade-deals-are-red-herrings-in-the-eu-debate/
  9. toothpaste, kitchen roll and a wet wipe I kid you not (edit) and a ton of elbow grease of course!
  10. Yeah i spotted that too earlier in the week: http://www.independe...s-a7081046.html Be interesting to see what the Gov decide to do with this ruling. Makes you wonder how much (if any) of this is being influenced by Brexit, maybe a silver-lining of this is the EU are more sympathetic towards subjects as this?
  11. I didnt ask the question. You did with your comparison of your uncle. "lets welcome more migrants to sort out the lazy population" No its not. "The number of people migrating to the UK has been greater than the number emigrating since 1994. For much of the twentieth century, the numbers migrating to and from the UK were roughly in balance, and from the 1960s to the early 1990s the number of emigrants was often greater than the number of immigrants." http://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN06077/SN06077.pdf "Overall, of the 1.33 million EU migrants in work who have arrived since 2004, 509,000 (38%) are in occupations regarded as skilled by the Migration Advisory Committee while 822,000 (62%) were in jobs regarded as low-skilled including 28% who were in Elementary Occupations, the lowest category of low skilled employment." http://www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefing-paper/371
  12. I never said lazy people are low wage/low skilled, I am saying alot of the immigration we recieve from the EU is. To welcome more immigration is to welcome more competition in these sectors, why would this motivate "lazy people" as you phraised it?
  13. How would more competition for low wage/skilled jobs encorage lazy people exactly?
  14. Because hes been happy to distance himself from politics/elections and how we chose to live our lives until this point, and its only now that something may impact him in Luxemberg that hes suddenly interested in UK affairs? I'm sorry if this is not accurate but its how it comes over from reading the posts here on the forum which is all i can form an opinion on.
  15. I appreciate your situation but I feel it would be unfair for someone who has spent the last 18yrs living outside of the country trying to dictate to those of us who still reside here how we should be living our lives. The same way I can imagine all the ex-pats in Spain and their ilk getting their knickers in a twist over it.
  16. Its getting close, and the remain camp are getting desperate. The last 6 polls all put Leave ahead: https://ig.ft.com/sites/brexit-polling/ There will be some serious sour grapes if this is correct. I cant wait
  17. Not sure any survivors of WW2 would like that stance but each to their own Neither of which are in the EU and impacted by us leaving? Except that's not how it works. If you are in the EU you can turn up and claim all those benefits. It works both ways of course, ex-pats can do similar I'm sure. Depending on where you are fortunate enough to live, perhaps. There are certainly some areas worse impacted than others however. Which massively depends on the field of work. A lot of the industries impacted are manual labour, farm, factory etc. Why pay minimum wage/overtime when you can pay cash in hand to someone else on the sly. Which we cant do being part of the EU fully, the EU commission does it on our behalf.
  18. Ahhh so this is where the Recaros ended up recently that popped up for sale and were sold within 24hrs of being listed?
  19. https://en.wikipedia...i/New_Statesman Its an outlet for Labour from the looks of it.
  20. You might as well quote RT articles if you just want to post propaganda. Go lookup who owns and writes for New Stateman.
  21. Good to hear REVUP are still investing development time in the 350z. Is this an Abbey exclusive or will it filter out to all REVUP resellers?
  22. Those sound about right for DE prices here RS8005. The OP is just jelous he doesnt pay half-price too
  23. I cant believe they relegated Chris Harris to some "behind the scenes extra" type show on the now online only, BBC3. Wtf! Chris Evans was annoying, he was trying too hard and it came over awkward. Hopefully he settles into it more as it goes on. Matt saved it for me tho, I enjoyed his bits more than the others. Overall I liked it and I'll watch more.
  24. .... according to the Youtube vid. Sounds amazing! Aiming for 450hp.
  25. I get the whole LPG thing but to have only covered... lets say <50000 miles in 5yrs (as theres 2 owners and it was fitted in 2010), have they even broken even yet?
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