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Everything posted by Sargara

  1. Theres no diffinitive answer as everyones tastes are different, not to mention not every 2 cars are alike. All you really have to go on are youtube clips or attending a meet and listening for yourself. Whats the budget?
  2. Worn/cold tyres perhaps? seems to lose grip one side then over-compensate to the other. He was lucky to get away with having some run-off and not a wall/hedge
  3. Cheers we are relieved to have that confirmed too. Now the big question is how to hit the 300 mark without faffing around with decats and MOT complications
  4. Sargara

    oil pressure

    As a fellow 04 DE owner your oil pressure seems normal to me, but the consumption doesn't. Good luck with the troubleshooting.
  5. Don't get me wrong I love the car too but I wouldn't agree its the right choice for the job, there's a lot of diesel rep-mobiles and hot hatches out there that will easily keep up with it around speed limits and its not the easiest to quickly launch for traffic light grand-prix either.
  6. My mate booked himself in at Horsham for a remap for his birthday and I couldn't resist tagging along to get mine done too, so we got there for 09:00am this morning. We were both impressed by each others results (he might post his up later as hes a member too). 2004 DE, 41k miles Mods: Ark Grip true dual exhaust (Cat back), Pipercross panel filter, Flyboys velocity mod, Samco hose (standard airbox), Horsham Plenum Spacer. I asked them to record a video for me (as you aren't allowed in the room now during dyno) but its come out vertical, oh well. Now to recover from the 6hrs driving. Overall very happy with that
  7. Same problem as the eBay link though surely, the beam alignment will be wrong for RHD cars here in the UK?
  8. Banana-arms or window motor will be next if the common issues are anything to go by
  9. A car that has been stood around for so long only doing 11k in 12yrs.... unless I wanted to cacoon it and hope it raised in value so I could cash in later, Its not an appealing ownership propsective in my mind as a daily driver
  10. Has anyone picked up any bargains from the Steam Summer sale? I miss the old format with daily deals
  11. Haha! They've been known for worse this is pretty light hearted in comparison. Just like the BBC running that JP Morgan story the other day, they really are desperate.
  12. So both of the Euro membership related No votes won and were accepted, just like Britain's membership vote then. Thanks for clearing that up
  13. Should there be a petition to over-turn the petition? I bet it would get millions of votes too
  14. How desperate must some supporters be to fake the petition, seriously. 77,000 fakes found within the first 3 hours of the enquiry: http://www.telegraph...s-more-than-39/ The media are just fanning the embers now to what end? Nothing will change get over it.
  15. About 1,000-1,500 people a minute are signing this. Pete EDIT, Wow!! just timed it for a minute, 3,200 new signatures. Unless more than 16million people sign it its irrelevant, because we already know that amount of people "lost" and of course they want another crack at it? Look at Scotland and the SNP for example. Remember when UKIP got the 3rd highest amount of votes last election but only 1MP? Welcome to their world. Talking of SNP and Scotland; How does: - We want an independent Scotland free from WestMinster! - We don't want to be independent from Brussels. We demand another referendum! Even work. Like what is the logic behind that i dont get it sorry.
  16. I'm sorry I didnt mean any harm, my scare-mongering comment was just a reflection of every post being about negatives, the last of which was untrue. It came over as a theme of "look at how bad everything is" which is why i said it wasnt helping.
  17. Guess its just a time delay then, that Independant article is only 10mins old so I assume the BBC one is out-of-date in that case. I wonder why they published an unconfirmed story?
  18. Please stop scare-mongering: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/morgan-stanley-brexit-eu-referendum-jobs-dublin-frankfurt-a7100911.html I know it suits your agenda but its not helping.
  19. FTSE is back already to where it was in Feb when the referendum was annouced, I cant believe people put such an emphasis on something so volatile as if its some kind of prophecy. 3.66% down at the moment, not 7%. Hasnt even been 24hrs yet.
  20. lol at the Damage control going on in here by the pro-remain posters. Just accept you backed the wrong side and 1.2million extra people wanted to leave. Stop being so salty about it.
  21. Blame Adrian and his multiple copy/paste remain articles per day
  22. The same Winston Churchil that said: "We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked but not combined. We are interested and associated but not absorbed." I think the answer is fairly obvious.
  23. No cant see that happening personally. What I can see however is Remaining winning by a slight margin and the EU taking this a sign to take the absolute **** because this will have legitimized alot of their plans; fast-track Turkey, EU army, fee hike maybe? push the Euro currency perhaps? Who knows! Time will tell I guess, I hope I'm wrong!
  24. Come on mate don't play silly buggers with me. The houses aren't all purchased directly by the immigrants but by landlords to meet the rising demand for rented property. This eats into the housing stock depending on the area. Reduce the demand, reduce the problem.
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