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Posts posted by Sargara

  1. Which ebay are you looking on where there are lots of facelift headlights for under £300? I dont even see 1 when I look.


    Rare as hens teeth used, and between £700 - £800 new each from Nissan.

  2. As others have said above, not sure how you lose the backend at "well under the speed limit" as OP put it. Theres either something dangerously wrong with your car (tyres, shocks etc), something on the road (in which case others would have spun too...) or OP is telling fibs.


    The 1st would be admitting your car is unroadworthy, dont do that.

    The 2nd would mean there are witnesses as theirs spun too

    The 3rd seems the most likely


    I think its man up time and take the punishment in all honesty.


    Anyway, I've banged on enough, suffice to sat I'll never touch an AM company again, Elephant did what was needed to get it sorted.


    I learnt the same the hard way. My words of advice now is change your number ASAP. You will now be subject to 3yrs or so of constant ambulance chaser phone-calls/texts either by the AMC itself, or by other parties it will now sell your details onto to recover "costs".


    The AMC are one of, if not the biggest reason for pushing premiums up yet the insurance co's are so intertwined with them they only have themselves to blame.

  4. It's a thought I guess, it stings it's got to be a £250 punt. Any experience with the £70 arms of flee bay. I recon that's what was fit new 8 months ago.


    Brakes were good enough to pass am MOT but not quite to my liking. Im going to try a third bleed with the engine running and if not up to scratch then to the garage for pressure bleed.

    Buy cheap, buy twice as they say, inferior quality balljoint maybe.


    Anyhow, best of luck...hope you get it sorted soon


    One of the members on here fitted them without any issues, hes had at least 14 months out of them:


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  5. Just have reply from him...


    Anyone know Nissan VK 5.6...?


    Serious, that's a pick up truck engine!


    Seems to be a popular swap in America, I guess they get a good supply from all the pickups/trucks they buy:



    Gearbox adapter plate:



    Big topic discussing it here:


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