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Everything posted by Sargara

  1. Whats your budget out of interest as there are other options for similar money, MeisterR seem a popular choice too: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/118-meisterr/
  2. Cant imagine 10yr old Nissans appealing to professional car thieves, so its more than likely to be targetted by scrotes looking for a joy ride who will just break in to take the keys. Either way, as Ekona said, id move area if that is your concern its the best solution
  3. At that budget I'd be looking at a Lotus over an Alfa personally, Evora probably if its a daily and you want some creature comforts, or Exige if you just want a toy. If current prices are an indication you can probably get an Evora 400.
  4. That's definitely the cheap end of the 350z price spectrum, so you don't have to worry about it being overpriced. Look at Autotrader, that price is page#3 (lowest>highest) out of 17 pages of results! Private Sale I assume? If so do thorough checks and maybe even arrange for an AA pre-sale inspection. There are common faults to look out for but nothing that would make your scrap the car, the 350z DE is pretty solid mechanically.
  5. Just make sure you've indexed and listed your site properly, nothing worse than going to the effort/expense and then getting no traffic/hits as people cannot find it.
  6. Unless your future wife still lives at home with her parents then I'm siper69 on this, do not ask permission. In my mind it comes across quite insulting to your partner as if they aren't trusted to make their own decision without their parents approval "lets just check what your daddy thinks". My wife's from Ukraine and her family still live over there (and her dad doesnt speak English) so i avoided the whole thing regardless, win win
  7. Dashcams only work when the owner wants them to silly As nobody else has said this allow me to be the first..... dibs on the headlights!
  8. So if 19's are for show, and 18's are for go.... what are 30's? [media] [/media]
  9. Have a read of this previous topic on the subject: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/74474-individual-throttle-bodies/page__st__20#entry1187297
  10. Probably a rattlecan paintjob done at home. Good spot tho.
  11. Love his stuff, made me laugh how he chose a transit van. And yeah clocked the TT 350z at the finish line, seemed to be the only non-US brand in sight.
  12. So does that mean our UK models have Merican built engines, or Japanese? Not that it matters really
  13. Everyones different Olly, and everyones experiences will be different too! I just wanted to add my input to add some balance to the discussion, didn't mean to try and put you off because at the end of the day I'm glad i went, i just don't think id do the working visa route again. In hindsight i would save up more money first rather than thinking "i'll just work while I'm there and it will pay for itself" because it limited our options, I would have liked to have seen more/done more day trips etc. I also would have stayed longer in Perth and less in Sydney, i preferred it.
  14. I know its not the answer but I honestly dont think sourcing a car from abroad to suit your requirement is the way to go. There are plenty of UK registered cars out there with automatics in that price range to chose from. You are getting close to GTR money when landed and registered I would expect for example.
  15. While I wouldn't say i would never go back, I would not try and do the working visa bit again. The reality is: - Everyone has the same idea and there is loads of competition for work and the employers know this. - Going daily to job agencies to see if they had any vacancies that only seemed to offer manual labour/catering/charity work to holiday visa holders, any job deemed "good" was reserved for people staying longer. - The hostels vary massively, do your research first before booking. - Everything is expensive. We were surprised by the cost of living (food/drink) and ended up eating alot of fastfood to keep expenses down. Some days living off just super-noodles and boxed wine. I went with 2 mates and we started in Perth as we knew a mutual friend there who got us sorted with a postal address, sim-cards etc then after struggling to find any work we flew to Sydney and ended up in Townsville on a farm. The heat, the backbreaking fruit picking, the spiders.... nah. Made some great memories but could have achieved most of it by just being tourists and staying in hostels.
  16. Sargara

    Zed level-up

    Well played, that is exactly the way you should upgrade from a Nissan 350z
  17. Bad times. How much have you paid out so far for all this if you dont mind me asking?
  18. Tyres. Even if the tread is decent id get them swapped straight away, could be cracking after being stood for so long. Dont skimp on them either, the Zed is not a car you want to have cheap/mismatched fitted to.
  19. Which ebay are you looking on where there are lots of facelift headlights for under £300? I dont even see 1 when I look. Rare as hens teeth used, and between £700 - £800 new each from Nissan.
  20. If only it was as popular over here then maybe the facelift headlights might not be as rare as hens teeth. Bad times
  21. As others have said above, not sure how you lose the backend at "well under the speed limit" as OP put it. Theres either something dangerously wrong with your car (tyres, shocks etc), something on the road (in which case others would have spun too...) or OP is telling fibs. The 1st would be admitting your car is unroadworthy, dont do that. The 2nd would mean there are witnesses as theirs spun too The 3rd seems the most likely I think its man up time and take the punishment in all honesty.
  22. Facelift headlights look good to go tho
  23. I learnt the same the hard way. My words of advice now is change your number ASAP. You will now be subject to 3yrs or so of constant ambulance chaser phone-calls/texts either by the AMC itself, or by other parties it will now sell your details onto to recover "costs". The AMC are one of, if not the biggest reason for pushing premiums up yet the insurance co's are so intertwined with them they only have themselves to blame.
  24. Other than being a bit rough around the edges I think thats abit of a bargain, performance wise anyway for the price.
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