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Everything posted by GreenLandy

  1. After doing brake fluid you need to take it out to test they work!
  2. Not really any different to any other clutch imo, but it will need a pit or a lift, along with a transmission jack, so I wouldn't have thought it would be much good for a mobile chap. If it has completey gone you will probably need a new flywheel too. Mine had some very interesting colours on it.
  3. Controllable environment, proper oven, for starters. Maybe time to invest in a blackvue or similar
  4. Tap into the courtesy light circuit. You'd need to look at the wiring diagram to find out which wires they are.
  5. Reading/Basingstoke. Price wise - £25?
  6. Defo check front wishbone bushes. Not an especially difficult job to do, but very time consuming.You do need a pit/lift though Check rocker cover for leaks, rear box for general corrosion, and as has been said, the cooling system has its weaknesses. Although the one we owed only needed a new radiator and had no other cooling issues in the 7 years or so that we owned it. Otherwise as you say, usual bits and pieces - don't be surprised if you don't see the fuel filter being changed, it's an in tank one, and is fitted for life.
  7. If it's any use I have a centre pipe lying around
  8. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291099814473?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT That's what I got. £490 for the lot.
  9. Search for 'carparts4less' on ebay I got the lot for £490 a couple of weeks back. They're a sister company of EuroCarParts, so nothing to worry about (the boxes even had ECP on them) If you're going to change it of course
  10. Mounted mine the other week - now boot doesn't open on one press of the button, needs two. This is having already done the penny trick to cure the problem first time round *bangs head on wall*
  11. I've got a double din for sale, no CD slot, but no awful lights, dual usb ports (works with older iphones, don't know why 6 would be any different) and works with steering wheel controls too. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/95850-alpine-ixa-w407bt-double-din-head-unit-cables/
  12. Yeah tis me! Tidy 70 you had too. Reason I was driving like a pansy is the complete lack of clutch I had - nursing it to Horsham
  13. A bash being? High grit paper followed by a few sprays of lacquer?
  14. The p.o. took the 350z badge off to paint it, and in doing so made a mess of the lacquer. I want to debadge it, is there any way of sorting this other than a body shop?
  15. As you'll be claiming on ASDA's insurance, it isn't their car to write off, you can insist it was put back to how it was. Only your insurance co has the authority to write it off (though of course they'll all try..)
  16. Still for sale yes. No sat nav, but you can buy a nav unit that plugs in the back (you can see the connector that says 'nav' in the middle). edit: what you would need is an NVE-M300 module
  17. When I was PM'ing him about exhaust he said he was doing Wales (gave in to the missus basically!)
  18. Have you taken it apart yet? Brushes might just need a bit of teasing out of their housing
  19. I have a Defender with these on for when the going gets tough! I'll stick with summer tyres on the Z. Nice idea though, and will probably sell them by the truckload.
  20. I can see the potential in that regard, yes, but phones do all of that - and better in some regards (see the S6 for instance, not just NFC). fitness tracking - no personal interest, plus you can get fitness bands for a LOT less if that sort of thing floats your boat. Plus I don't fancy a glowing screen going round with me everywhere!
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