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Everything posted by GreenLandy

  1. The rolex stood out as fake to me, before scrolling down to the comparison. When you get a brand like rolex that is so engrained into you (through advertising), when that logo is incorrectly presented to you, it is moderately obviou (relatively speaking)
  2. Legally you can't put it on any car...
  3. I'd strip your existing one down first - might just need a clean, or the brushes might need coaxing a bit more out of their housings.
  4. Stick it over a pit/on a lift and rev until you hear it and see where it's coming from
  5. You can buy an OBDII reader from Amazon for about £15
  6. I think that now it's linked into this road fund, for the first time in 80 odd years, VED is now a proper 'road tax' - hence there should be no reason why higher polluting cars should pay more. You are paying for the use of the road and the wear caused. No doubt fuel duty might go up in a year or 2, but I'd welcome that - a smal charge for use of the roads and then the emissions is covered in the fuel usage.
  7. Thought so...... Not so well done by CMS then.
  8. Which bank is 1? I have a P0340 error - suggesting the bank 1 camshaft sensor is dud. So I ordered one yesterday from CMS: http://www.clarkmoto...eft/23731-AL61A This states bank 1, left hand side, and angled. I have just gone to change it, and looking for instructions on the Nissan service manual, shows that bank 1 is the driver's (ie right hand) side, and is the straight sensor. Can anyone confirm which I should be replacing? At £85 a pop I don't fancy changing them for the sake of it.
  9. Dibs on the exhaust! Is it in good condition other than the dent?
  10. GreenLandy

    Centre pipe

    Centre pipe needed, doesn't have to be oem. Can collect if it isn't too far from Basingstoke
  11. With the Landy's rebuilt engine I had running in oil for 500 miles, then put in normal oil. The only real instruciotns were not to labour it (ie not too low revs). Granted a 1980s Land Rover engine is a tad different, but I'd imagine the process is similar.
  12. I'll have the bush. At le mans at the mo so will send money over when I'm back, if that's alright?
  13. Prices going up! I'd better order one then. Send me the necessary details
  14. Going in a group of 9, 3 cars and no Zs...... Keep an eye out for a sad Adam and I in a CTR...
  15. Use a proper penetrating fluid and you might have some more success (eg PlusGas). rounding doesn't sound good though. If I found it difficult I'd cut it off and get a decent socket on there
  16. Why respray and then wrap it? Surely save yourself the respray costs?
  17. Interestingly I had a call from that same 020 number the other day - and I have recently had a screen changed by Autoglass, through the insurers. You with Admiral? The call cut off though and I didn't hear anyone the other side. I just googled it and blocked the number
  18. Read this topic - several people say they're going?! Never done the ferry, always done the tunnel.
  19. Had a great day and the track session was awesome, even if the 240z owned everyone. Still impressed with the guys in the burgundy HR who brought a full wash kit with collapsible bucket!
  20. Bit late now! There's a stand, bit you needed a stand ticket. You'll be in the car park but welcome to wonder over of course
  21. As a vibration damper, only 25% coverage is necessary... Still, can't knock a thorough job! Not sure how much effect that foam will have either tbh, it only really absorbs high frequency noise (not that much of which is in most cars), and it's main job is to act as an insulation layer between the vibration damper and a mass loaded barrier. Will be interested to hear the feedback though
  22. Most are aiming for 7am to avoid mega queues. If you aim for 9 it's likely you won't get in until lunchtime apparently
  23. In some he comes across as a total douche as well - can't remember which one it was, but he was basically mocking the owner's club for driving the cars etc, and just seemed like an all round bell with little interest in cars. Not one for TG at all imo.
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