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Irn Bru

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Everything posted by Irn Bru

  1. Is your car uprev'd ?. If not and not intending to very soon don't decat, you'll only ruin your engine
  2. Have to admit I like them, my son has a white 59 plate. Decent interior and I do like the style of them, very tunable and reliable, I woud love a green one.........very in your face type of car in that colour and they carry a fair bit of exclusivity too. Cracking 5 pot Volvo engines that deliver their power nicely.
  3. The actual paper copies of the service bills and any other recipes and bills, stamps in a service book mean hew haw in my eyes without the backup of the actual bills from the servicing garage tbh. Just make sure it looks a clean and we'll looked after Zed, and welcome to the Zed world
  4. Pretty sure Zmanalex would have these in stock, give him a pm
  5. Would looking at PH and AT not be a better Idea ?. We all know owner mods don't really add that much "market" price to the car, only if a specific buyer wants to pay out more for a modded car, exception being a turbo'd or supercharged Zed.
  6. What kind of dosh are we talking to get this lacquer work done mate, PM me if you prefer
  7. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=removing+rear+disc+on+a+350z&oq=removing+rear+disc+on+a+350z&aqs=chrome..69i57j33.13635j0j4&client=tablet-android-orange-gb&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  8. "Ceramic coating would be a bod like me and can last 5-7 years". As in you do these ceramic coating Ricey ?
  9. Feck....is that the lifespan of copper plugs , wish I'd known that's all their good for, there's bloody 16 plugs in my v8 jeep. Next time I'll be getting platinum ones at least, stuff having to pay the labour charges on that every 6 -12k miles
  10. Might be worth a shout to Adrian @Torqen, he's a Kinetix dealer, can't see the plenum on his website but he may be able to source you one.
  11. Absolutely ask for his blessing, I did. My son in law asked me too before popping the question to my daughter. ....... The first thing she said to him was "have you asked ma faithers permission" ?. THEN she said yes lol. Not old fashioned in any sense, but what it is, is respect and he'll appreciate it. Your asking him to hand over the reigns of responsibility to you that he has had all her life.
  12. Just watched the expel vid on yt, looks pretty bloody good tbh, think further research for a uk supplier and wrapper is needed, thanks.
  13. Is Cougar stores not near you ?, Mitz I think is the man to go see in your area
  14. Are these tough films, and able to take road rash ?
  15. I'll do some Internet searching for this in the uk, thanks.
  16. I see your thinking but won't the film get marked also and possibly look like lacuer peel does ? Thought about Zippypooz ppf stuff but I don't think he does kits for aftermarket bumpers, i've got the Amuse front end.
  17. Contemplating getting my Zed painted (again) next year, had it done a year ago but got chipped to death during our NC500 tour. It's really #issing me off lately and I know if i shell out for another respray and it gets stoned again I'm really gona lose the plot lol. Was reading about ceramic coatings for wheels after they've been painted that stand up to the test but is there an equivalent for lacquering body paint to give the protection from stone chips. Thought about a clear wrap after painting but knowing my luck it would get chipped on the way to the wrappers. EDIT: I'm asking about a ceramic clear coating that would be sprayed on by the paint shop
  18. Braw Chirag mate, congratulations and no backing out of HOON MKII next year just because your married lol
  19. https://www.primrose.co.uk/-p-87511.html?adtype=pla&kwd=&showPLA=true&gclid=CKu5jPbw9c4CFU6eGwodUwMEYw I'm a landscaper /groundsman. Have had good results with planting these in the past.
  20. PS:There's always rims up for sale in the for sale threads, keep your eye in there.
  21. My zorst is a Toyosport, but I got the resonater deleted at Pipe Dynamics in Fife. Nice rip to it, but then I got decat pipes fitted and now it's loud as f@₩ k, which I personally like, neighbours hate me tho lol. I'm not big on going big £'s on an exhaust, simply because you can't see it, it's very easy and less expensive to buy a cheaper one and get it modded to suit your taste. The guys at Pipe Dynamics can pretty much make it sound how you want for not a lot of £'s. As long as it's decent brand and quality stainless one you can't really go wrong, just get the mods done to it to get the sound you want
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