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Irn Bru

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Everything posted by Irn Bru

  1. Irn Bru

    Sand Rails

    That looks like a ridiculous amount of fun
  2. Welcome.......first mod..........stubby lol
  3. I send an email to my broker detailing what's been changed / added / modded and get a simple email back saying ok mods noted on the system, no increase in premium, gotta love my broker . IIRC he's said in the past that as long as I don't boost it with forced induction they are happy to cover all my mods like for like should anything happen and only charges me £326.00 per annum for the privelege. Edit: I do have history with them though, been with them for 15 years and never claimed, and I insure 5 vehicles with them so maybe getting loyalty and multi vehicles treatment. I ring round every year in early december to get quotes and nobody comes close to price or service from them. Performance Direct / Grove and Dean are the guys I use.
  4. Never been charged an admin fee for declaring mods, not even had an increase in premium, I'm with AXA, do you / have you been charged for notifying mods to your insurance Co Dan ?
  5. Also....just make sure you notify your insurance Co.each time you add a Mod to the car, don't wait till they are all done, do it every time as soon as you do it.
  6. Is it worth getting the D1 TC after a re-map? In my opinion yes, there's no extra grunt with it but the throttle response is better even after the mapping
  7. 350z engine de carbon service..... googling this brings up this http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/98035-mobile-engine-carbon-clean-service/
  8. Google is your friend, works better sometimes
  9. Your not going to feel anything with just a plenum spacer, you'll need a lot more than just that, have a look at my sig below to what I've done to my Zed, all that and all I got (from nissan bhp figure of 276) was 24 more ponies at just shy of 300bhp according to a rolling road dyno up in Aberdeen. Got the original wheel power figures from when Chris @ Dynatune remapped her but can't remember the exact whp reading, I'll go dig it out and come back to you. Even at an additional 25 bhp say, your not really going to feel it much, remapping does make a difference to how the car drives and feels and adding the D1 TC helps too.
  10. If you haven't already got one from Adrian, (D1 spec gt throttle controller) then do so, best plug and play mod ever. Really livens the throttle response up..... even after the uprev remap. Best £100ish pounds you'll spend. Whap it onto sport 10 and bingo
  11. This lol https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=350z+on+30+inch+rims&oq=350z+on+30+inch+rims&aqs=chrome..69i57j33.11130j0j4&client=tablet-android-orange-gb&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=kcpoH9Qj4X3NiM%3A
  12. The tpms on my jeep is just a valve with a blue toothed pressure sensor built into it, don't know how it is on the Zed.
  13. Yeah got a Jeep too, Commander 5.7 hemi, love it
  14. Posted Today, 17:54 1) Humpy 2) kbad 3) Zeus(in 350z) 4) AaronC350z 5) wez370 6) Wendy 7) stevod 8) Wasso 9) CJRamze 10) cov350z (350z) 11) 350Russ 12) ollydykins 13)Valy 14) modo 15) shad0wca7 16) Irn Bru +1 350z 17) Andymac183 18) Hodaka +1 19)nissanman312+1 20) Amyzed 21) ZeppoJeff 22) Ekona +1 23) Dicaprio +1 24) Davedutch + 1 25) SHEZZA + 1 26) -G- +1 (380RS) - Date Dependant 27) Harryjax +1 28) Andy_Muxlow +1
  15. 1) Humpy 2) kbad 3) Zeus 4) AaronC350z 5) wez370 6) Wendy 7) stevod 8) Wasso 9) CJRamze 10) cov350z 11) 350Russ 12) ollydykins 13)Valy 14) modo 15) shad0wca7 16) Irn Bru +1
  16. Done a little searching for you and Zeds run lean with decats without being mapped to correct fuel air mix. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/57259-de-cat-remap-query/
  17. Same reason I was told to remap asap after decatting....messes with the air fuel mix, maybe different with a 370 though, I'm no expert either !!
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