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Irn Bru

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Everything posted by Irn Bru

  1. Is there a thread on your car , it looks a bit mental . Pmsl .... It looks a bit mental....... mega bhp mental it is
  2. plenty good ones around, just do your checks, and there's this one from a member http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/112651-2006-350z-gt-roadster/
  3. where abouts in Edinburgh are you ?. I'm out by Dalkeith
  4. Kind of similar to my situation 15 years ago, worked in print and publishing management and got to the stage of really detesting it to the point of near depression due to pressures in my work and personal life. Negotiated a redundancy package and went self employed. 15 years on and my business employees 4 people. Not been an easy 15 years but much better salary and more importantly a greater peace in my life. Best of luck to you for whatever you decide to do next.
  5. Looks great Ernie, good to see my old cover re-done and looking the biz . Torque setting are in lb INCH settings NOT lb FOOT, can't remember the numbers they are set to but if you do get them just re member it's inch and not foot. link here http://my350z.com/forum/engine-and-drivetrain/317803-torque-specs-on-intake-manifold.html
  6. A vert? In Scotland? Bit optimistic... Always optimistic bud....... In Scotland you just gotta be
  7. Looks great Chirag, must be the convertible weekend, I just bought my missus one, not quite as high end as yours though lol. An Astra Twintop Exclusive Black Edition model, never thought I'd buy an Astra, but for the money it's a well sorted motor. Your two look great sitting there side by side
  8. Yeah dipped......side lights, main beam, high beam, my terminology at least lol
  9. Might wait for spring at least before I do it then. Could you say for sure that you wouldn't have faced the same problem even with no tint (from the fog being so bad)? Yes...... definately makes a huge difference driving in fog with tinted headlights, the visibility is horrendously bad. Have driven in fog since then and had no problem with just the main beam on. Even when driving at night and clear weather your lighting is hugely reduced, compared to oem lighting, honestly, leave it for the summer months mate.
  10. Isn't using your main / high beam the worst thing you can do (and illegal)? Light will just be reflected back by the fog. Generally yes, but the fly eye made the light so weak it didn't reflect back as it would normally. Tinted lights during winter months is IMHO not a bright thing to do, pun intended lol
  11. Yeah can be removed and yea there for a reason, although anyone that's decatted (decats don't come with heat shields) will tell you it make no difference to the heat in the car, having said that, I suspect cats do get a lot hotter than decat pipes to do their job. Your local garage / mechanic should be able to clamp the shields to stop the buzzing / rattle.
  12. My Zed had fly eye on the lights when I bought it, next day / night, out for a drive and fog decended rapidly, couldn't see a bloody thing and had to drive with my main beam on most of the way home, not one car flashed me to indicate I was dazzling them. Tore it all off next morning. My opinion... don't do it, at least not during winter months, fine for summer and long days, but not for winter driving.
  13. Heat shields went on my cats, buzzy rattling sound, but I decatted soon after it started so wasn't bothered. It will most likely be them.
  14. http://www.autocodes.com/p1147_nissan.html could be any of the causes in this link. Worth trying the o2 lambda first though. Zmanalex or Jon@Emperor tunning will be able to supply you it
  15. I think most stick with oem oils for the gearbox and diff oils and also remember to get moly slip for the gearbox too when doing that. Lots of really good engine oils around, and everybody has their own preference but what ever you go with make sure it's fully synthetic you use. Any of the traders on here can advise you and supply you with everything you need.
  16. " I refuse to be like those idiots in Scottishland". With that statement your really set yourself apart eh Ekona....
  17. http://www.revolveautomotiveltd.com
  18. + 2 for Paul at Revolveautomotive, top class guy and his works not too shabby either http://s44.photobucket.com/user/IrnBru1966/media/20161014_121654_zps2wtvfmsq.jpg.html?sort=3&o=8
  19. Some seriously exceptional craftsmanship going on in that interior Mondo
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