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Irn Bru

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Everything posted by Irn Bru

  1. Defo a 2017 calendar shot contender
  2. ........ but, as you've got a Nismo.........
  3. My son's (ShaunRS) ST was absolutely bonkers for what is just a 2.5 family Ford, so much tunning potential in these cars, pretty sure you'll get on just fine with it
  4. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201611079516746?advertising-location=at_cars&onesearchad=Used&onesearchad=Nearly%20New&onesearchad=New&sort=sponsored&model=350%20Z&colour=White&make=NISSAN&radius=1500&postcode=eh224nz&page=1 I don't know you mate but please do me a massive favour and buy this fine specimen ............before I do and my wife divorces me !!!
  5. HR White Zeds had a very limited production run which makes them very desirable and they look great too. Also, I think you had to order them in white, the ones that the dealers brought in were mainly grey, silver or black. Pete Thanks Pete, really love white Zeds 350 and 370, they just look "royal", if that makes sense lol. And modded like lexx's one, well that's just royal car porn
  6. Keep coming back to these pics of your old Zed Lexx, seriously great looking Zed. Don't know why white Zeds are so rare but they definately work so well in white, any regrets in selling her on and getting the 300zx ?
  7. A one owner car with full service history is always worth looking at even with highish mileage, just be certain of that the service book stamps are backed up with invoices / reciepts and you should be onto a winner.
  8. I can't see how that is coming from anywhere other than from the plenum chamber, there is no trace of oil leading to the bolt hole. Have you checked the bolts are tight ?. In any case I'd be having that plenum off and get the chamber checked and cleaned out, refit and torque down the bolts to the proper settings and keep an eye on it. You haven't topped up the oil lately by any chance and perhaps spilled some and it's found its way into the bolt hole ?!?!
  9. Cd009 is a far better box, a rebuild I believe is more costly than buying a good used later box
  10. Not sure mate but there's a mobile company based in central scotland called "cheap car keys scotland" that does the full key at a very reasonable price. Pretty sure he's on facebook too.
  11. The cd009 I think is the later box which still fits the earlier Zeds, Zmanalex is your man and possibly Jon@Emperor Tunning.
  12. Also a good idea to be in 3rd or and preferably 4th by 50 mph at this time of year
  13. And the roads at this time of year are covered in crud, i've had my 2.5 tonne Jeep slide out going at 30mph round a corner !!.
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