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Posts posted by Pritchard

  1. Green And Orange.


    Now, what parts do you offer? :)


    A green hose kit would suit me. but as anal as it sounds, its got to be a ''good green''. there a few bits and bobs online but they are either peicemeal for pipework. but i dont know what i need. (joins, diameters, etc).


    Replacement bottles for fluids would be cool.

    and also ANYTHING you can recommend for the disgusting radiator 'cover' (is it a cover?) because the slam panel only hides the 'shelf' of it.

  2. oh i see, so this is again an estimate.


    this is why i wanted a set on the scales, because this is now another different figure from the US side. :( i dont see how those muppets can get the figures so different between each State.



    i guess i'll just go unbolt my own then

  3. Hi guys,


    I am wondering what the weight of the OEM leather heated seats are in the Z.

    They have electric motors, airbags, heater elements and comfy soft stuff :D so they must be weighty.



    I have searched around, but all i find is people quoting random numbers between 19kg and 35kg a seat, without any reference to where they are finding these numbers.



    Does anyone have a seat in the garage they could weight for me please? I'm looking at getting some bucket seats, and was thinking of taking this time to possible save some weight.





  4. I roll into a another new job in a couple of weeks. back on the train to London.


    That means the Z is purely for football matches, and evening pleasure rides. Awesome :thumbs: annual mileage - 1,000 :D



    What to do.

    I love a bit of tune me. I'm sorely tempted to follow my passion and go the N/A route. But i have this big 450hp figure and Vortech spinning around my head like tweety birds. But the 300bhp is already plenty to break traction in a straight line sprint.


    I would love to follow Wasso and drop in a V8 ('drop' is used loosely!). But thats beyond me and my budgets.


    or do i just leave the engine, and follow the path of started of the show car?



    Just tinking out loud really guys. the dilemma of indecision!

  5. aha !!


    you've been spotted by a couple of us locals now. I saw you going through chatham highstreet a few weeks ago.

    user J4YPS also spotted you. (we have been discussing who it could be lol. but this was some weeks ago now).


    These Orange Zeds are getting as common as muk in Kent now. :) this is 5 in Medway alone (that i know of).



    SupercarSeige, 17th May, Leeds castle, Maidstone. theres a pretty big Z turnout for that planned. if you're around...

  6. Westey....

    You dont happen to be the bald bloke in the Orange Z, with chargespeed bodykit and 3 striped black 'claws' down the drivers door, are you?


    not that i have seen such a car... and not that such a driver has tunnel vision and missed my frantic waves from my orange Z! :) lol.

  7. 1) Payco - PA04YCO

    2) Zippypooz- N44SSN

    3 )Chippychip123 - UK04ZED

    4) Dunks PHZ 4136

    5) DDay CF54 VGL

    6) MarkyJD BL0 2 JAW (New number plate was NL06 PWY)

    7) Terry06 - FX05 PVT

    8) Will370z

    9) glrnet

    10) coldel M479 UTF

    11) Pritchard - OV54 PDZ

  8. So ive got a noise coming from nearside rear. I can only hear it with the window open. and at slow speeds when the sound bounces of something. but its quite loud.


    sounds like a spring matress bed, thats due a change.


    Does it over any sort of undulation in a carpark or similar. or any sort of slope. i've tried pushing the car sidewides and up and down while parked on the rear quater, but i cant re-create it. :S


    its quite an embarasing noise now, its really loud. Anyone else has this? ive never known a spring to make this sort of noise on a car. unless it a bush. ?

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