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Everything posted by secretstar07979

  1. I have an aftermarket Pioneer head unit fitted in my new car and discovered today that the steering control reduces the volume when pressed both up and down? I can't turn up the volume on the wheel. Just the head unit. Is this an easy fix? Thank you
  2. Ok so I was caught short last night at a garage that didn't sell super unleaded so I had to put standard unleaded into my car. Do I need to be concerned? I know the manual says only use it in an emergency, which to be fair it kind of was. I doubt I would have gotten to the next station.
  3. Congrats. From one new owner to another. To get one with such low mileage is a real find. Enjoy!
  4. Thanks for the info guys. I'll be sure to post my results.
  5. So I'm taking my new car down to Dynotech next week to have it on the rolling road. What will this show me regarding the performance of my car?
  6. Ok, so having enjoyed my zed for a couple of days now has anyone else noticed that their 3rd gear is absolutely brutal? My car pulls well in all gears but 3rd gives me a real thrill!
  7. I have no idea? I'm having it on the ramp next week. I have a friend who works at Nissan in Derby. I'll let you know what he say's. These particular humps are on a private road and are I suspect illegally high.
  8. Ouch! Just scraped the bottom of my car along a run of speed bumps. The downside of having a lowered car I guess!
  9. Ok I'm looking for inspiration regarding wheels for my newly acquired orange 350. Any pics / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Still smiling from my drive back up to Derby. Great to meet you all this evening. Hope to see you again soon. Now to decide which mods.......
  11. Hi guys, My name is Adam. I may be buying a car tomorrow in London and driving back up the M1, so I was thinking I may pop over and say hello.
  12. Oh by the way, someone was asking what that mysterious switch was next to the gear stick. I asked that dealer. It's for an exterior beam light. I take it someone's been watching too much Fast and Furious.
  13. Thanks guys. That meet may well be a possibility actually.....I'm driving back past MK on my way home back up the M1. What's the deal with the black intake in the bumper of my car? I presume that's some kind of after market air filter intake?
  14. So the sale of the original orange car did not complete. Apparently the guy who reserved it is in France and the dealership can't get hold of him and needs it gone as he has new cars coming in and needs the space. (They sell high end performance cars) I've now put a deposit on it to secure and hope to collect it tomorrow. I'm pretty sure in time I'll be replacing that single exhaust with a twin cobra.
  15. Hello gentleman. I'm still on the look out for a car. These are the two I'm now looking at. Any thoughts would be appreciated. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291906405297?euid=75c79ec2eb854c33b2aae5af17bdfd86&bu=43359627538&cp=1&sojTags=bu=bu http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201607085664113?model=350%20Z&postcode=de58af&onesearchad=Used&make=NISSAN&price-to=8000&sort=distance&radius=1500&advertising-location=at_cars&price-from=3000&page=1
  16. You snooze you lose. I was pondering this for the last two days. I finally decided that as I can get it for under 5k I can spend another 500 on it for my preferred exhaust then it will be perfect for me. Rang up the dealer to reserve it to be told it was reserved last night. Gutted. I'm living in hope the sale falls through but I know that's very unlikely. I suspect the new owner may well pop up on here sooner or later!
  17. So is this gear issue a "thing" or what? https://www.gumtree.com/p/nissan/nissan-350z-gt-2005-83k/1192123806
  18. So here is the question. How easy would it be to replace it with a good twin exhaust? I don't mind a nice deep tone but that popping is just not what I'm looking for. Could I sell the exhaust that's on it and how much would that offset the cost? Can you recommend good places near Derby that can carry out the work so I can ring for a quote?
  19. I have no idea what a bobbin is. Anyway, this is where I am with this car. It ticks all the boxes for what I'm looking for but that exhaust just isn't for me. It's too in your face. I'm not a boy racer. So here is the question. How easy would it be to replace it with a good twin exhaust? I don't mind a nice deep tone but that popping is just not what I'm looking for. Could I sell the exhaust that's on it and how much would that offset the cost? Can you recommend good places near Derby that can carry out the work so I can ring for a quote?
  20. Careful...most of the owners on here have modified their cars, and would strongly disagree that they've been ragged to hell and back! LOL! Well I can assure you that no offence was intended. But you know what I mean. I know lots of people like to buy standard cars then modify them themselves.
  21. It does have a full service history though so it's obviously been looked after.
  22. What puts me off somewhat is you just know with all the mods it's been ragged to hell and back.
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