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  1. looking for rear right side to be specific thanks
  2. As titled, anyone has for sale? many thanks
  3. Hi, i currently have a 2003 import Auto Z. These few days i hv been trying to get the torque app to work but it doesnt seem to be able to read my ecu for some reason. I have bought this at first and doesnt work http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ELM327-Super-Mini-V2-1-OBD2-Bluetooth-Adapter-Auto-OBDII-Scanner-Torque-Android-/221713465014?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item339f26feb6 Now i have also tried the OBDLINK MX and LX and both with no success as well. I know this have been talked about before but i cant seem to find a definate answer on which adaptor works with my car. Anyone have any idea? thanks
  4. anyone has one for sale in good order? thanks
  5. Anyone has anything? Also current engine suspect big end has gone. How much do they go for? Looking foward to ur replies.thanks
  6. cckyu

    Engine wanted

    My car is an import 53 plates auto. Anyone has any breaking or any place gd for engine rebuild or swap as mine just blew. Thanks
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