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  1. camy

    Looking for

    Sk03 mky was the original reg. Yeah sold this one and my silver one but mrs looking to buy hers back
  2. camy

    Looking for

    Will need to ask her what the original was
  3. camy

    Looking for

    My mrs is looking to try get her old z back. Believed to have black wheels and the centre of front bumper black now. Anyone know where it is? Long shot i know
  4. if you were closer. sure I was speaking to you the other day on another site
  5. sorry been busy with work, yeah silver one is available
  6. White car eventually sold for 7.5k
  7. Comments are welcome but try looking at the cars you say mine are same value as amd you will see you are way off
  8. I have 4 cars its a hobby. My mrs is white one and mine is silver one. Not that its any concern. If i was i trader i would pay traders fee and do it correctly. This type of bull crap is why i moved away from subarus. If your not interested in them why bother posting?!
  9. The price is the price. Someone will pay if they think its worth it, i have seen a few out there needing work at this price and these need nothing
  10. Thanks mate and yeah if you look at some of the cars at 5k you will see why i am asking what i am asking. All mods on these are less than 1 year old on both aswell
  11. Not selling mods sorry. Price reduced a bit
  12. No not for both. This is why i put a previous post up asking the value before i advertised but it was removed for some reason
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