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Kieran O'Quick

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Everything posted by Kieran O'Quick

  1. Anybody got an unused one lying about they need to shift? Mines grubby as hell after only 3k...
  2. I think the system can be shocked into failing. I don't know how exactly - maybe a sensor or a wire vibrates or gets hit by dirt, rubber or whatever. Doing donuts usually triggers it after a bit for example. How much kerb did you run at Orchard? Only thinking this because it happened just after there twice. And the only time it failed on me was there too. I used to really whack the kerb there looking back at the vids but it only failed once in a few hundred runs. So its either that or its the Bermuda Triangle round there. Luckily it was dry for me and the light came on on the straight so I had fair warning and made it around your bend... Was on for a record though so kept pushing and binned it in the tyres at the next instead. I hope I'm wrong and its something concrete that can actually be fixed. Its too much of a liability otherwise and it would be better running without ..
  3. At least number 3 is the easiest coil to swap...
  4. Wow, they look so sticky. E marked?
  5. Its a nice bonus that it logged the cylinder. Phew. The coil would be the next thing to swap if the new spark plug doesn't fix it, I'd say.
  6. Looks great, proper Zed that. It'll only be laggy if you're in the wrong gear. Who drops below 4k on track anyway?
  7. Where are you based? I had one fabbed up at a place in Yorkshire. There's a pic of it on my car thread
  8. If they're not broke don't fix I think is the general rule. They can go on forever, fail randomly with age or fail repeatedly from worn rocker cover seals
  9. I chased this problem for ages. The code reader kept saying random misfire. If it's misfiring when hot you can find the offending coil by cooling them, I think its something electronic people do routinely? I got some freeze spray, waited till I got the misfire and sprayed the tops of the coils. P3 cooled down and the engine purred. The spray evaporated off and it ran rough again.....
  10. Mine was really high when I bought it at 100k. It was really hard to drive. As Scobie says above, you can adjust the bite point. I put it low and hammered it for another 16k without issues. So yours could be alright for a long time but it's hard to know. I replaced it eventually as a precaution with a stronger one and a lightweight fly for about 1k or thereabouts.
  11. That does so much justice to the Zed. Beaut.
  12. Enjoyed that. Nissan didn't seem to know the way around - but barreled in regardless.
  13. This notion that its all mercenary in business isn't homogeneous. There are still lots of good people out there. From what you say it looks like your guys are a going nasty. If I took on a job and couldn't fulfill it I'd return the money. And garages I've dealt with have had similar outlooks. If you've paid for a job that wasn't done then Small Claims seems obvious if you've got the spare time to pursue it. The court rules on balance of probabilities (not hypotheticals) so usually the good guy wins. You might just win a court order that you never get to enforce but its cheap enough and scratches an itch that could bug you forever.
  14. I've had a few of these from Zedman and they've held up nicely.. Had some from Eurocarparts that didn't last very long.
  15. It's such a tough class.. 205s dominate up here (they're so light). But the class record is held by a Starlet 1.3 turbo. Amazingly, its quicker than all the over-2-litre class.... .... bar me (just )
  16. Good thinking ahead with the drive shafts. Will be interesting to see how you get on.
  17. Shame they don't have a 2wd class down there. Zed v Germans are so much fun. What direction are you thinking? Old light hatchback, Caterham, single seat () ?
  18. Is it just me or does tickover sound cool...
  19. There's a lot of casual condemnation of leavers on this thread as ignorant, economically illiterate fools that is accepted when it should be challenged You'd have thought a Forum that polled in favour of Brexit wouldn't be the place for that and the Remaniacs would be getting more of a roasting. A lot of the 'swivel-eyed loons' people are biting their tongues? Or have minds really changed and its time for a people's poll on here?
  20. Mine throttle controller went funny. It would cause a high idle and then sometimes throw all the warning lights on. ... Unplugged and the problems went away...
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