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Kieran O'Quick

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Everything posted by Kieran O'Quick

  1. Testament to the old Zed that after two years tucked away in the garage she turned up for the last 3 hillclimbs of the year and bounced off kerbs and the rev limiter with no complaints. She got me three more wins. What a beaut. This year's best was a 63.66. It's looking like 61s will be needed next year. Tough, but in reach with a bit of work. Spoiler alert, Glen took his Zed into a top 10 spot this year which is no mean feat for a big NA car in the hillclimbing scene. Coolest looking car in the top 10 too.
  2. Thanks. Harewood hillclimb in Yorkshire. It gets a lot more noisy and raucous as the day goes on.
  3. It's hard to stay away from this place. And, also, hard to take a bad photo of it. The Zeds looked pretty serene this morning.
  4. Best dividing it by twelve and forgetting about it...
  5. 2006 was 550 per annum last time I looked. Haven't looked since
  6. Somebody render that swordsman up please. Love it
  7. Keep the VX... put it in storage. Buy a lovely comfortable family car with a towbar for trailering.
  8. Never seen so much shiney shiney stuff. Gorgeous pics.
  9. Will do. I thought I'd seen a few more ZX around town than any where else funnily enough. They echo nicely in the town.
  10. That place is just a couple of streets over from me... are they a decent set up? Worth using?
  11. Know what you mean. He ruined Pulp Fiction for me.
  12. I was just happy he didn't slate it like he did the 370
  13. 8 used track tyres for anyone who wants them. Nice and grippy. All are 18s. 225 up to 265. Mixture of Toyos and Nankangs. FOC, collect from Leeds. They deserve to be turned into smoke instead of sitting in my shed...
  14. For 7 grand it might be worth waiting for a boosted Zed to come up for sale instead? They're usually around 10 and have had at least that put into them already. If your car is a good example and you intend keeping it though, boosting it is money well spent.
  15. Will be avidly watching the live timing this weekend. No pressure, but the Zed traditionally comes alive around June. C'mon!
  16. If it happens to be heat related you can try to find the broken one by cooling the tops of the coils in turn when it's misfiring. Saves a lot of time and bother for the sake of a can of that freeze-spray stuff used in electronic diagnostics.
  17. As above. Intermittent failure can happen due to heat. The coil won't show up as dodgy on a multimeter. A clue to this would be if the misfire happens when you're sat in traffic after a run.
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