True grit shown there getting back out again. Impressive.
Plus, till now, I thought dragging fingers down the blackboard was the worst noise ever. Didn't sound like you were going to make it home on first hearing.
It's been unwatchable for a while. So many stupid rules and rolls of the dice - might as well be Dungeons and Dragons.
Sat down to watch it today and then thought, meh, it will probably be decided by a safety car. Hard to give a care about it.
Love these updates. The car looks great out there, doing what it's supposed to.
I bet the seating is a great help on those slight rights by the sea. First time I did those on good tyres it was tough to stay on the driver's side...
Congratulations on the top 10 and the class win fella. Its a great achievement when you consider the power to weight advantages some of the others in the field have. Nicely done.