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Kieran O'Quick

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Everything posted by Kieran O'Quick

  1. Emotion and instinct have played a big part in this vote. Life is not just about rationality and facts. What a person might see as rational economic facts are actually their opinions at that moment. Accepting that you think this way will help you understand the weirdness you see in others.
  2. Depends on how busy you are, what your time is worth and how much it is annoying you. As Ricky said on the last page, taking off something that isn't going to be re-used should be quick and brutal. As you tell it, you seem in the right. It's best to try a reasonable approach first - explain what you know, it's a mis-understanding etc, and give them a chance to back down amicably. If you feel they're taking the pihss at that point then you have options to claim and name.
  3. So if he had whipped it off and on in 30 mins he'd have given you a discount? BS - you win some you lose some, don't take it out on the customer. I've had garages get stuck with complications and delays but they've honoured their quote and not thrown on loads of extra labour charges.
  4. Anyone think it's likely that there will be a second referendum if the result is Leave? Would the EU not offer a few concessions before it (say, on immigration) given the democratic mandate of a large group of it's people? Wouldn't that make everybody happy?
  5. Socialist countries tend to be exploited by overly-capitalist countries at the expense of their own poorer classes. For example, in the 80s lots of people around the world got state-sponsored degrees and emigrated to America taking jobs from local people that would have had to pay fortunes for those qualifications. Look at the rough estate in your city and ask how many kids from there will qualify as doctors.
  6. But do you think he (JC) is as weak as he's portrayed? New Labour got away with lots because Hague and co used the same old battling tactics and got nowhere. Corbyn isn't entering into the debate on their terms and gains respect, even trust, from both sides.
  7. I reckon a lot of leavers will chicken-out on the day and vote remain. Don't be scared - it's only money, it will re-boot quick enough. ..
  8. Ah, but does it make you actually quicker? Hoping it does...
  9. Interesting read. Car looks great. When/where are you racing next?
  10. Good idea. Might have to get one - convinced I'm going to get scouted/win lottery
  11. Nice one. Is that the race license then? Isn't that more than you need for sprints? What was it like? Easy? Tricky?
  12. Good point. I got my last set of MPSS from Costco - good price and they were pretty much fresh off the tree..
  13. Yes, a license and a few other bits. Loads of info on hillclimb websites. The Harewoodhill.com site has a section on the regs. Roughly, you need membership of a club, MSA speed license, approved helmet, gloves and overalls. Stick a timing strut on the front and you're good to go.
  14. Wow - it looks like Tuscany in those shots. Thanks for those. Man, I really rubbed some of those poles on the Apexes - all the scars buffed out nicely though.
  15. It's bloody awful when you have to just bend over etc. It can really niggle at you for years. If you're not having any joy don't be put off by the notion of the court stuff. Small claims stuff is pretty good fun if you are in the right. It's just a matter of firing off a couple of letters - but most people don't want the hassle of a court case so don't bother starting it. You've got to bear in mind that the "other guy" is thinking exactly the same so will generally settle when pushed. Especially if he gets good advice. And if you've got a clubmate who knows their stuff like Ekona willing to do some ground work it's a bonus. Solidarity comrades. One catch with distance purchases is that the procedures have to be eventually seen out in the defendant's local court if it goes that far, which can be off-putting. Shopping local still has benefits. But if the worst comes there are Litigant in Person rules that can kick in and give you travel time allowances. Not 100% sure what it is for SCC but I got £18 per hour spent traveling plus the cost of the journey. Stops people taking the pee because they're distant. Edit - Oh, and the hotel too..
  16. That field needs a trim alright - they usually stay on top of it.. The calendar of events is on the website. I'll be going to all the events except the national c-ship on July 3. Might go watch them though. http://www.harewoodhill.com/events/ Yeh, that MR2 had a decent tap. I wouldn't like to do that to a cherished HR
  17. Nice to meet you and your lass - enjoyed the chat. I was pretty darn chuffed it must be said so it was nice to share I was pleased for the old Zed to get a record. I'll try to hang on to it as long as possible but it will fall pretty soon I reckon. A Porsche/Aston/Beemer or something boosted will nab it. Or maybe another Zed will.... plenty of you about guys.
  18. We get two practice runs in the morning - then 3 timed competitive runs spread out across the afternoon so every hour or so. Lunch break is 12 to 12.45 so no action to see at that time. Strange that link works on my old PC? PS. My mate got a Tony Banks exhaust on his MX5 turbo build - few years down the line now and it's still going strong.
  19. They're 9am to 6pm. Some amazing cars there - I'm surprised they let us boring road-goers enter but I'm not complaining. Petrolhead heaven, great views sounds and eh, smells. The calendar is here.. http://www.harewoodhill.com/ Entry list for Sunday - Class 33 is pretty sexy.. http://www.harewoodhill.com/downloads/pdf/entryLists/jt%20entry%20list%205%20june%202016.pdf
  20. The banks are simple innocent people who know nothing about banking. They are people who never studied economics, law or history. They are distracted by their busy lives, specialising in other industries. They expect the regulators to protect them from scheming, professional, sophisticated mortgage borrowers who might trick them in to giving away their depositor's money.
  21. It's a tenner on the gate - keeps the riff-raff out. Come and say Hello if you make it. You'll be seriously tempted to give it a go once you see it.. got vids up on bird's youtube channel, search 350z Harewood.
  22. If you recklessly lend your money to say, a Junkie, do you expect the state to bale you out when she defaults? And not just for the loan amount but for the nice hefty arrangement fees that were magic-ed out of nowhere and thrown in on top of the loan? One interesting point on this is that the Irish constitution has a rule that no family can be thrown out of their home (more or less). The home is inviolable - they put it in because of landlords evicting people for fun in the 1800s. The internationals weren't aware of this when they were throwing around the money - they expected easy re-possessions so had nothing to lose. They wouldn't have been so flash with the money and the property market wouldn't have bubbled if this in-violability was accepted practice for home mortgages. Buy-to-let wannabees and developers run their own risk - free market for them.
  23. Dead right. The problem is decent companies like that can only last so long when their competitors are allowed to flout those standards. They lose so many customers to the legally sanctioned fraudsters that they have to compromise their standards or go bust. In the same way that good decent people don't want to take out mortgages at 5 times their embellished wage. Just to buy a house that is twice the price it was last year and is promised will be more again next year. But they have no alternative when everybody else is allowed to do it. They are forced to compromise their standards or be condemned to the non-propertied class.
  24. I'm up there this Sunday - there's about a dozen cars in the road-going 2-litre-plus class. There's a chap in a V8 M3 that is winning the class every time. I need to find 0.3 sec to catch him... It's a great day out. Race your guts out for a bit, then sit and watch the classics, racecars and exotics giving it loads
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