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Kieran O'Quick

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Everything posted by Kieran O'Quick

  1. Ah, sorry. I fixed an intermittent one that was driving me mad recently but can't help with a constant. How did you check your coils?
  2. Is the misfire constant or intermittent?
  3. have been waiting to hear this... ...worth waiting for, cheers.
  4. The code readers struggle to spot the ropey coil. If it's running badly when hot you can spot the bad coil by cooling them down in turn - when you cool the right (wrong) coil your engine note should improve. Saves the expense of replacing all the coils (Disclaimer : I'm not a mechanic so don't know if it's the correct thing to do, just going on what worked for me).
  5. Car looks brilliant. Any highlights coming up on Motors TV or anything?
  6. Ooops, I probably should have said....The 2-litre limit is based on NA. There's a 1.7 multiplier for turbos so you'd have to have a 1.2 turbo. (The Megane is a turbo isn't it?- so the equivalent of a 3.4 litre) That's the strange thing about the regulations. Nobody really builds a highly tuned NA anymore so it's as if they built the class purely for the S2k. Which seems weird.
  7. I was with you guys for half a dozen years but this year you wanted a big increase in my premium out of the blue. No claims, no tickets, no reason to go up. About £150 I think it was. Your firm said I should try to get a better quote from someone else and then ring you back - you'd consider matching it then. I did, you couldn't match it. To be fair, the year before the renewal with you was cheaper than previously so I just renewed without shopping around. Just seems really random.
  8. I know where you're coming from there. Especially at insurance time - the BD postcode is a nightmare (I'm in that boat too). Welcome along.
  9. The MSA have recently regulated for a new "Standard" class for 2017 Hillclimbs and sprints: 2 litre limit, no (absolutely no) modifications allowed, 2wd. Anybody suggest what could beat an Esstookay? Has to have been 5000 a year built also. And of a unitary construction. Buggered if I can think of anything quicker...
  10. I was really surprised to find the Zed has about a 2 and a bit second lead over the Honda around our local Hillclimb (It's about a 70 second run). I thought it would be closer, maybe even favouring the Honda. That's road-going spec and list 1A tyres. Pretty good real world comparison. I think the power/torque makes the difference from looking at the sector times. The twisty sections were closer but still edged by the Nissan.
  11. The 200sx was being given away for £15k brand new at the end of it's days because it was so un-stylish. The 350 could easily have some rear seats but doesn't. The 370 is as wrong as the 200. I love that about Nissan. It's like someone is willfully designing their cars to be brilliant but undesirable. All so that we can get them cheap a few years down the line. Just wish they came up with a half decent diff...
  12. Thanks for putting that up, it was great to watch. Hell of an effort gone into that. Kept closing the gap through the sweepers too. Have you come down off the adrenaline yet? That Aston looked like he found his NoS button at 8m 05s, yikes.
  13. I'd recommend Slide Motorsport. They know their Nissans. Friendly, no-bull kind of place.
  14. Hope it all went well for you all. Looks like a hell of a lot of fun and a great atmosphere.
  15. The AA are pretty flexible. They whack my cover up by £50 every year without fail. I hate the charade of ringing them up to "cancel" but they drop it again without much pushing. I wonder what they'd give to someone who really haggled? And if you are a single member they usually send you a special offer to add someone to your cover for a tenner half way through the year.
  16. Thanks folks it's a great buzz. I'll have another go at that embed GM, thanks Git.. ..but you're dead right, was hoping nobody would notice Every time I go I swear I'll keep the hands on like a pro but it's so hard not to revert to old habits under the gun.
  17. Well turns out there's no competition up here - road going over 2 litre 2wd class is there for the taking. I've got the record in a bog standard Z. Any local Zs fancy a crack at beating my time? C'mon, let's be 'aving you etc. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/LghiZW_06bg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  18. Some good info there, thanks. So is the 350 Quaife (into a 350) a simpler job then? Can most garages do it and do they charge much?
  19. Stop abrogating your responsibility in favour of facts. Yours is just an opinion like everyone elses. Claiming that people are demonstrably wrong based on the facts you choose to believe is religious scientism. We were all taking a punt, whatever way we voted. I voted out for two reasons: I felt the EU was like an accountant that you employed to do your books. But he craftily took over your company. Let's go back to having him do the books, not running the show. The vote is not perfect. Why dilute it more? Governments will always take the pi ss but the deal is you can change them when they go too far. And as for the bigotry angle (which tbf Col is decently refuting) big international bodies have a massive track record of being punitively racist. "We're one big happy family but to hell with the Greeks.... And Africa? Well they're not in the club..."
  20. What I don't get is why the economic faults of the EU were not stressed in the campaign. All we got was leaving would be catastrophically expensive. But then you look at the operation to bribe, finance and destroy countries like Ireland. Put the country into perpetual debt that you then sell to your friends for a nominal fee. It's a plain and simple criminal land grab. I think the gut instinct of revulsion at the EU shouldn't be underestimated - it wasn't all immigration, certainly not with the leavers I spoke to.
  21. You're dead right but my point is that the interpretation by the working person was what it was. I don't want competition. And the Romanian woman in my example contributed more (and her actual words were "we're trying to survive") put the scroungers to shame.
  22. Iceland? The problem is that it should never have got this far in the first place. Instead of leaving we should be just rejecting the further integration stuff that came up a few years ago that nobody noticed.
  23. The image for me today was seeing a Romanian woman breaking down in tears at our local Caff. "Thay send me out" she wailed. Some natives put an arm around her and said she'd be fine as she was here already. That the natives were a couple of locally known disability cheats added poignancy to the moment. It was really touching stuff, I have to say. Then she said "what about all my grand children?..." The working girl behind the counter wasn't impressed at that point. Speaking to her, she said how she had never voted in her life (mid 30s) till yesterday. Brought her own pen too.
  24. The thing is you seem very sure on your position based on economic argument. A lot of people will look at the same economic "facts" and interpret them differently. For example, Britain is the 5th biggest economy in the world everyone says. Well that fact could be the basis of a strong argument for something or other. But if you don't accept the concept of interminable compound interest you might say actually Britain is the 5th most screwed up country in the world because of the debt it's carrying. Who is right? Just accept it's opinion. I appreciate the effort you make to interpret stuff.
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