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Everything posted by mlombard

  1. Cheers dude , was great to meet you the other day Have you fitted the spacers yet? Not yet mate have a big drive back to Ireland so was waiting till I get back to fit them, will make a huge difference. Look forward to seeing how your car comes along !
  2. Car looks amazing in the flesh! And the interior looks really nice good work Josh !!! V jealous
  3. Ok change of plan just ordered a samsung tab3, figured out how to boot it straight to the driving app. Fingers crossed will start next week and post pictures of my progress.
  4. Lookg great I think this might be the best solution . My centre console is the non nav though suppose I would just cut out the back of the cubby
  5. Looks good was thinking of a permanent install that I could hide nice idea though
  6. I fitted one of these. Perfect fit to replace oem satnav This looks great where did you get this one ? Ooh and did you find it hard to fit the 7 inch tablet
  7. I fitted one of these. Perfect fit to replace oem satnav This looks great where did you get this one ?
  8. Let's see , his is gonna be a slow thread will get some pics up as I build won't be for another few weeks as still deciding on what device to use .
  9. Yeah to be honest I have my phone up there at the moment its 5 inch and using a music app its nice and big. The buttons all enlarged far bigger than the Bose units( about the size of the big round button on the Bose unit). but yeah you wouldn't want to be working through sub menus so a driving skin is a must. Perhaps I could use a larger phone or small tablet know the s2 is a 4.2 inch screen so could get a cheap 5 inch device using the drive app above .
  10. Hello folks with the headphone jack hack done to my Bose head unit thanks to the fantastic guide here I have my sights set a little higher. I am looking at using an old phone as a carputer. What I will do is load this app as the skin. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=spinninghead.carhome&hl=en Then bypass the battery hooking the phone (galaxy s2 or 3) to a switched 12 v supply . I can then add a hard drive using the devices in built micro usb and extend this to the behind seat cubby. I am looking at housing it in a custom frame ( cf wrapped mdf) and placing in thedash cubby , hooking up the headphone jack and that's it. As a result I will have : Nav Music Videos Touch screen Costs maybe £70 all in What do you think good or bad idea? I have most of the parts so if the consensus is good I will get building :-)
  11. Figured it out :-) thanks for the upload tip
  12. Its an RS-R and it's quite loud hoping the baffles will save my poor eardrums . Failing that back to standard :-( http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s419/lombard1986/IMAG0048_zps8iweex9m.jpg
  13. http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s419/lombard1986/IMAG0056_zpse0tqgipb.jpg Hope this pic works this is the z just had the wheels done
  14. Thanks for all the welcomes will try to get up a picture at some point . Yeah really keen for a meet so just let me know where and when and I'm in !
  15. Thanks mate that's Great help I will have a look at it later and see if I can salvage it nice little project
  16. Hello Folks , Bought my 350 roadsters 3 weeks ago and loving it, loads of plans to get it as good as possible, W brace next on the agenda. Already using this site and the guides are fantastic ! and the members really helpfull can't wait to attend a meets and find out what people are doing to theirs .
  17. Hello Folks , Bought my 350 roadsters 3 weeks ago and loving it, loads of plans to get it as good as possible, W brace next on the agenda. Already using this site and the guides are fantastic ! and the members really helpfull can't wait to attend a meets and find out what people are doing to theirs .
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