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Jack wellZ

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Everything posted by Jack wellZ

  1. I know it's crazy.. I've been looking at them before Christmas but decided I'm gunna go exhaust first so I'm saving for the motordyne tdx v2 and uprev before any suspension and wheels at the moment.
  2. How low is this haha, I'm looking at these wheels too and would like to run 12j at the back what offsets did you go for? Looks good bro!
  3. I know bro it's all good just gotta make a decision on what route to take now
  4. Yeah but rather get an opinion/review from someone on the forums then a video
  5. I would love to do this but how much does it really effect performance like could you still aggressively track on air?
  6. I've just bough black diamond 12 groove discs that were a good price recommended by cougar I've also got ds2500 pads once there fitted this week I'll let you know how much of a difference they make!
  7. Well I made it home that's good enough for me! Thanks for everything though guys
  8. So far running all fine so battery seems to have been the problem but now all sorted! Let's just hope after this night shift she will start so I can get home haha!
  9. Trying to have faith haha! But keyser if it comes to that will make sure I get in touch!
  10. Hey could of bought a skyline that has rear seats and a good compromise
  11. Replaced the battery today and it's now running so will wait and see if it lasts if not then I can assume alternator but damn was it hard for such a small thing because it was a Saturday!
  12. It goes to 8v and I was only listening to music for about 10 minutes but I so have an aftermarket headunit if that does anything, I also had the side lights on for about 5 minutes? And I drive the car everyday
  13. Ok so last night my car started fine and I drove around 20 miles, I then stopped off and listened to my ateroe for a little while which was stupid I know, I then couldn't start her so my friend came and jump started it. After this I drove round a bit to get some charge back into the battery and then turned it off and on and it started fine so I thought all was good. This morning it wouldn't start again... Would this be a dead battery or maybe the alternator? Any ideas would be good. Trust this to happen on a Saturday when I have work Monday -.- Thanks guys
  14. NOT lowered? but, it looks just right thanks for those wheel specs, very useful for me. What wheels are these man they look awesome!!
  15. Will send payment as soon as payday arrives will message you as still unclear on all details thanks!
  16. Can always search opjp on Facebook theyre a import service that help try and get your car to the U.K. for as cheap as they can provide and if you want to do some work yourself they even talk you through the process so if you have this time can even save you some money!
  17. Was happy when Wasso fit mine I got a blue one does a excellent job and easy to chat to, makes for a good lil trip and meet more people on the forum!
  18. Sorry for such a late reply gumpy but have relieved one from another seller, thanks though! Jack.
  19. Hey could you put me down for a non resonated 350z with inverted rolled tips tp34 and y pipe thanks
  20. I think I need to come see you guys, I feel no way capable of doing this to my zed
  21. Jack wellZ

    Help Please

    yo man I'm also looking at getting these and I found that to get them to fit over the brembos in going to run 9.5j 255/40/18 on the front and then 10j 275/40/18 on the tears both ET 12 without spacers if your lowered below 35-30 May need rolling but I'm on standerd height. Hope this helps I got my information from deesey hopefully get these next year!!
  22. Only just come along this post and would say to maybe stay away from them because people like me build them aha! I see so many faults you wouldn't believe it! Also if anyone does order them, please! Keep it low spec
  23. Sorry! So can't believe I couldn't see the wanted section :/
  24. Hi has anyone got a unused cargo net that they would like to sell as I can't deal with my stuff sliding around in the back anymore :/ Hope this topic is allowed in this section I'm kinda newbie Pm or message on here Thanks. Jack.
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