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Everything posted by terry06

  1. I did try that gently but didn't want to shear the whole shaft off as it was just twisting with the arm. Was thinking about cutting the arm off and just buy another if i ever need to put it back on
  2. Had a go at this yesterday. What should be a simply job turned out to be an hour in the freezing cold with no joy. The wiper arm is stuck on the shaft and no matter what i try it will not come off! Even a hammer and some heat didn't help Looks like my car would prefer to stay wipered up
  3. Just seen you headed onto the holmbush roundabout. Looked good from behind. Unfortunately i was in the girlfriends micra
  4. Loving the engine bay and agree 100% with the facelift lights, they are so much better and look much more modern. Cant wait for stage 3
  5. Looking good, can't help but feel I've seen all of this before... A certain French car forum springs to mind
  6. It's the right year and has the right wheels for an anniversary so i would guess it is one. Not sure if they had numbered plaques like the GT4s over here though? I'm sure a more experienced zedder can shed some more light
  7. You're an engineer so basically a mechanic so surely you can fix things Only joking, I'm an engineer too and that's the response I get all of the time. Guess it doesn't help that I'm an automotive engineer Anyway enjoy the zed and get some pics up when you can
  8. Apparently not, although I didn't have a zed at the time and was driving a saxo so was expecting a bit of a ribbing but you were all very nice
  9. Not seen these threads before as I'm quite new. Just had a quick look through the 'Red Lining' one.... Poor guy but some of the posts are hilarious, just about controlled laughing out loud in the office a few times. Glad my intro thread didn't end up like that! Can't wait to see what the other threads have in store, should turn it into a series So my car is an '05, I have a revup right?
  10. Hi Cayman, I'm in Sussex too and only had my zed for a couple of months. You will love it! As for the car in the ad it looks pretty good to me although I would be a little bit concerned about the tear in the roof. Im not sure if it is anything to worry about as I have no experience with soft tops but would put me off a bit. Having said that it would be a good haggling tool to get the price down a bit Good luck with the search and hopefully see you at some local events next year!
  11. That's a shame, was quite good. Usual hoard of BMWs and Porsches but some nice, varied motors were there. A few zeds turned up and there was even an Enzo!
  12. Didn't see you mate, always seem to miss people when I'm in the zed but spot them when driving the saxo. I went to the pistonheads Sunday service there, was bloody freezing but a good turn out considering
  13. The GT4 would have been me either going to/from Goodwood. I didn't see you though, were you in the Zed?
  14. Most probably was me although last week I did see another yellow Zed with black alloys! A Sussex meet would be great, lots of nice places to meet and some good driving roads. Would also be good to get to know some fellow Zed owners
  15. It should be good, over 800 cars on the list last time i checked
  16. Tomorrow. Weathers looking ok for the morning. Guess no one on here is going?
  17. Im just down the road in Shoreham so I will keep an eye out for you. Cant really miss mine being bright yellow! We should get a little Sussex meet going after new year I think, does seem to be quite a few of us. Get some pics up when you can
  18. Something like Ultra Yellow if possible. I know it wont be metallic effect but just to give you an idea
  19. Dam really need a set but don't have the funds until after Christmas
  20. Looking to get one after the new year when my bank account is looking a bit healthier! Just a quick question - Is it possible to get one done in yellow?
  21. Welcome along for the ride! I originally wanted an Azure too, seems to be the most sought after colour (for good reason!) Somehow I ended up with yellow though I'd say be a bit more open minded with colour as you may get a better car, since Azure's are less common, but I completely understand you are set on one colour Good luck with the search
  22. Didn't see you at all yesterday morning. I should really drink some coffee before I leave! Yellow should stand out but you'd be surprised how many people have pulled out on me, much more than when I drive the dull silver saxo!
  23. Yep was me, sorry was miles away, didn't realise until the last second
  24. Don't want to pee on your cornflakes but Pure Rally isn't regarded as a great event going by opinions on here
  25. What's all this about a virtual safety car system? Are the drivers no longer trusted too slow down enough for double waved yellows?
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