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Everything posted by terry06

  1. I suggest meeting early. Went to the last one and got there at 8 and was already packed, just managed to squeeze into the last paddock
  2. I'd like to get parked with some zeds, will be the first time meeting anyone from the forum. Could always arrange to meet at the MacDonalds drive through near the track?
  3. Welcome! Had mine just over a week now and love it. Just down the road from you in Shoreham to so will be good to see another local Z about
  4. Part of the paddock club too Anyone going from Brighton area fancy a convoy?
  5. Finally done my first mod, the compulsory stubby...
  6. I'm a new owner too, not that far you. May see you at some meets/events in the not too distant future
  7. Had mine almost a week so still new to it and grinning from ear to ear every time I drive/see/think about it, so know how you feel!
  8. It's all good now guys, i was being a noob and burning to DVD's to begin with. Thanks for the advice though
  9. Managed to get some that work... ... I was using DVD-RW's. Amateur!
  10. thanks for the advice guys
  11. Out of interest what was the ratio of yellow/black out of the 172 made?
  12. Ah ok, I tried drag and drop and also burning a playlist in itunes
  13. I have just bought no. 139 (yellow). Only 36k miles, very tidy body and interior. Wheels could do with a refurb. Standard about from Scorpion back box and the LED rear lights from a later car Only photo I have so far...
  14. Good luck and have fun. Very jealous, always wanted to drive a single seater that wasn't built by me and some other students!
  15. That's what I'm thinking, will try some new ones but if not the ipod hack may be the answer
  16. No I got it from Bromley
  17. Thanks Pete will check but pretty sure they don't have copy protection
  18. Not lazy but I would like to keep the car in original condition, but then again no one will ever try the tape player...
  19. Thanks, bodywork is tidy but wheels could do with a refurb. Thinking maybe a slightly darker silver or light anthracite
  20. Only had the car 2 days give me chance
  21. Only pic I have of mine so far, only picked it up Wednesday. Excuse the quality
  22. Could be worse, I could be asking about the tape player!
  23. What copies are you using? May give them a try and see if it makes a difference in mine
  24. Cheers guys. I was intimidated at first as I had to drive back in torrential rain at night but after a mile or two I loved it
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