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Everything posted by terry06

  1. I had no choice with the old man being obsessed with any Capri haha I hope he does but it wouldn't surprise me if it never sees the road again, which is a shame Last time it was out was about 2 years ago now
  2. Would love a 280T, shame to here it got nicked A friend of mine has an original Turbotechnics conversion just rusting away in his garage, been trying to persuade him to part with it for ages but he's having none of it
  3. That Capri looks epic. I have been brought up around capri's, my old man has had about 12 over the years. We currently have a 2.8i we are restoring
  4. Very nice car and great colour! Not that I am biased or anything
  5. Was thinking about it but doubt i'll get time. Need to fix the French tin and sort all my spare parts out
  6. Was good to finally meet some of the guys on here. Shame about the weather, surprised that so many people turned up for it. Didn't take many pics but will put a few up later
  7. All dry here in Shoreham, although it has been raining in the night. Up now so might as well see who else braves the weather. Will be there at 7:15
  8. Weather forecast is looking crap, hope the rain holds off!
  9. That's what I thought about location. I too will def be coming so the list is: 1. ap427 2. terry06
  10. So who's actually going and up for meeting before? (At MacDonalds PO19 7WT) Think we should create a list so we know who's meeting
  11. There's also modlive in November at brands hatch but not sure on the exact date
  12. The one I was thinking of meeting at is PO19 7WT Is this the one you mean? Or is there another one at the 4WT postcode?
  13. If I were to change the wheels it would have to be to some LMGT4's so that's pretty unlikely, and I would keep the standards so I can keep it original if ever I came to sell. They are in desperate need of a refurb though. Thinking a slightly darker silver/shadow chrome/light anthracite
  14. Agree with the spacers, need to get the wheels refurb'd too Or some new alloys
  15. Thanks for the nice comments guys It's my brothers, fastest car in the world didn't you know! Definitely, it really bugs me, why did Nissan do that? They could have at least made it even by putting one on the other side too Its number 139
  16. So had the GT4 for 2 weeks now and love it! Managed to find time to give a wash at the weekend and get some pics So here we go... Pic whore time!!! Love the colour showing through in this one... Looking mean from the front And a nice rear end Sorry may have gone a bit OTT But I don't care, I love my Zed
  17. and the other 4 ??? Only just realised Was a typo... Honest
  18. I know exactly how you fee, I have been the proud owner of a GT4 for 2 weeks today Mine is number 139 so our cars must have rolled of the production line together! Also you are not too far away from me so hopefully see you at some events and the cars can be reunited
  19. Is that the one next to the Pizza Hut and near Sainsburys?
  20. New Z owner here too, it's a great car, you will love it!
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