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  1. Hello! Any posts regarding Infinity and deals for zed servicing are from a long time back, once that avenue ended I never did find someplace near there to take my now departed zed. Alex above has already said Hi, if you've got questions or are looking for spares, he's a good place to start
  2. bowzi

    R8 would you?

    You really think so? Cost of living increases, interest rates on the rise, proliferation of electric vehicles with more performance than an R8 and ultimately ice cars likely to be taxed even more to pay for covid/Brexit/Ukraine invasion. I dunno, I see it going the other way....just my opinion.
  3. I had one of the faults for a single bank. No issue with the car running and like yourself, I reset and the CEL would come back on after a short period of driving. Sourced a cheap enough Replacement O2 sensor, but I ended up selling the car before I fitted I'd be tempted to try replacing one of the O2 sensors and see if you lose the codes relating to that bank. Can't recall where I got mine from, but varied massively in price, that I do remember.
  4. I've got a pair of shocks off a 67k HR. Been replacing various on my front end to solve similar knocking noise, new shocks made no difference :/ but if it's something you wanna check out? 60 bucks plus postage? Mark
  5. I've even more garage envy than I had previous
  6. Awesome write up Really fancy doing something similar myself, if I ever locate a project car good enough I might tap you up for some of the places to purchase parts if that's ok? One question, you mentioned you had the mushrooming suspension towers, you aren't looking at something like this to avoid the issue recurring...or did I miss that post? https://orranje.co.uk/product/kavs-motorsport-strut-reinforcement-plates-srps Cheers Mark
  7. It definitely did, I had a service there a year ago, previously was less than £200, but not a P3 and I was comfortably the other side of that. I didn't feel that the service was anything like the quality that we'd experienced previous. Mark
  8. I'll take it for 160, needs posting to Perth though
  9. What about this for much cheapness? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Super-Legend-HD-Vehicle-Recorder/dp/B005Q6CJI4/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1426362494&sr=1-3
  10. Sent a PM regarding boot divider.
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