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Everything posted by Zeezeebaba

  1. I had armadillo locks and a diamond drilled bore clasp put in. This was on response to finding my garage open one morning but luckily nothing missing. Nice to know you have good neighbours.
  2. They don't know the meaning of the word boring, look up Talbot Tagora and get back to me The ugliest and most boring car I ever had the misfortune of owning followed a close second by my first ever car which was a Peugeot 104.
  3. Yes mate that's you spotted If a small Merc van 64 plate flashes you one morning that's me lol
  4. Is the noise from the rear or does it sound more front end? Firstly check the heat shield above the rear exhaust back box, this one usually goes where the bolt secures it to the underside of the car. A washer usually sorts this. Secondly check the catalytic converters and associated heat shields these are more front biased sounding when in the car. Also whilst under the car remove any stones from the under trays and any components wide enough to trap them. The Z likes collecting stones. Another area to clean out is the rear arches, this will unlikely be an area that causes noise but a build up of dirt and mud on the inner arch lip can lead to corrosion later on.
  5. Droplinks are usually easy to diagnose and obvious when the load is off the car. However in my case this wasn't so. We even looked at ARB bushes trying to diagnose the rattle but new droplinks sorted it.
  6. Mine looked and felt fine on the ramp. I had the bannana arms changed completely but still had a rattle. This was done at Horsham Developments and the test drive still had a rattle evident so they put new droplinks on anyway and it cured it even though the old ones seemed ok. The bottom line here is its difficult to diagnose rattles on components when load is taken off the car on a ramp. The Zs components are prone to noise if they are just starting to go it would seem.
  7. I had both a knock and a rattle. Knock was bannana arm bushes and the rattle was drop links.The droplinks looked and felt fine but when replaced the rattle had gone. It would seem diagnosing with the Z isn't as easy as some cars I've dealt with before.Usually there is easy play on components but with the Z the usual rules don't seem to apply at times. As stated replace the droplinks first if it's just a rattle.
  8. I've seen this a couple of times now and yes nismo kit by the look of it.
  9. Reading this I might just buy one based on the fact that I may be exempt from certain tedious meetings on medical grounds.
  10. The one other thing about Honda ownership I loved was this, they never went wrong, I never needed to buy anything other than services tyres and brakes. You need an NSX. Mine was an early 3.0 car in formula red, cost me a meagre 18k at the time and had 84k miles showing. To buy the car back now would probably cost me double that! Family comes first and my daughter was born so it had to go.I loved it and although the interior was a sea of black by christ was it well made. Even on that mileage it felt brand new.
  11. Well I'm a huge Honda nut having owned an NSX an EP3 CTR and a DC2 teg. The FN2 scores highly for kit and that's unfortunately where it stops for me. I test drove one as a replacement for the EP3 and didn't like it. The rear suspension was a backward step over the EP3 and it had a habit of skipping about a little to much if the road got a little bumpy. That said the kit and the pleasing noise from inside the cabin allied to a sturdier feel overall in build quality make it a very practical and still entertaining hatch. Basically if you drive with an 80s hatch mindset it's safe enough.Beats the EP3 in every other area though nice buy.
  12. Just fit some dukes of hazard air horns and it's complete
  13. Didn't have my lights on like you did, that's how you caught my eye through the railings
  14. Yes indeed it was mate we passed on opposite sides under the town.
  15. Same here, my hair is receding for fun.
  16. We passed each other under the town this morning both in GM 350 GTs. Yours had a nice spoiler and black wheels though.
  17. I'm just thankful manufacturers need to adapt to survive. We all like cars and change is sometimes hard to swallow but change things will. Once upon a time diesel was the preserve of commercial vehicles but advances in technology changed that. The future for now is hybrid small capacity petrol engines built to meet ever more stringent emissions targets. Tesla are at least exploring the option of electric only performance machines and should be applauded for taking that leap of faith. Like many others on here its about the visceral driving experience. The ICE is an integral part of that experience for me personally. This doesn't mean I'm anti electric it's quite simply a case of wanting an electric vehicle that either matches or exceeds the expectations currently delivered by a decent driving machine.
  18. Nothing wrong with a Focus ST, good intuitive front drivers.
  19. I've just witnessed two bell**** write off their cars racing each other. Guy in front driving an EVO 8 went steaming past me on a section of dual carriageway with a Merc C63 AMG up his rear end. Approaching the roundabout ahead the EVO puts the anchors on abruptly and in true overpowered Merc fashion the AMG tried to swerve around him and ended up fishtailing into the EVOs back end. On a positive note the Merc sounded lovely as it flew past.
  20. Merely pointing out the alternative regardless of what you said
  21. So are fashionable cars, not always good.
  22. Ok I've not commented on this until now. Evidence is indeed a crucial part of the puzzle but I would also consider instigating a deterrent to assist with this. I would probably create a small flyer stating what has happened with regards damage to the vehicle and post it through every door in the street including the alleged perpetrators. It would take the form of a warning to all residents that their vehicles may be targeted and the police are aware of the issue. It should state a reference number agreed with the local force that residents quote should they see something suspicious in future. You will effectively be increasing the amount of eyes on the street and potential witnesses should it happen again. I suspect however the perpetrator would desist from such activities knowing this fact. After all this type of neighborhood watch scheme can work wonders and may also gel the locals together more as nobody wants a damaged car.
  23. It's always Audi's with me, oh hang on I forgot, just me being silly as every second car I see on the road is an Audi
  24. 135i coupes currently taxed: 734 350Z currently taxed: just under 7000 Forget the coupe thing they all have the same ugly mug front end. He said 1 series.I lost count at 24000 units and got as far as the 116d couldn't be arsed to add the others up. Common as muck.
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