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Everything posted by Zeezeebaba

  1. Sounds nice, check out the regional meets section. Mid week evening meet in Basingstoke on the 30th March
  2. Miltek cat back is my preferred choice, welcome on board
  3. Zeezeebaba


    The only reason I don't touch my local Tesco for fuel is down to a dirty batch a couple of years ago that affected loads of local motorists and led to various claims going in.In fairness this could happen on any forecourt, however my company fuel card is Shell so I always use Shell Nitro in the Z to maximise points on the old loyalty card
  4. Red 350 with body kit similar to the Nismo spotted Colthrop Way 2130hrs tonight.
  5. Excellent price and stunning car GLWTS
  6. I tried everything on mine, eventually I bit the bullet and got the rear sensors mapped out.
  7. Haha that's what my sister the Audi super fan calls my Z
  8. I like the front but the back is gash. Nice car to drive though for a front driver
  9. Still suprised about the vast difference in opinions regarding the e46! IMO the 46 felt heavy even though the Z is similar in weight it feels lighter. The rack wasn't quick enough and was only really sorted in the run out CSL and CS models.The standard brakes were shocking and needed uprating. The engine sounded like a tractor on tick over even after a Vanos rebuild. I looked after it, dealer inspections done to schedule etc etc. I literally swapped it for the Z, couldn't wait to get rid of it. I do however like the E92 M3 and thought it was a vast improvement all round. The Z makes me look out the kitchen window constantly, it's a damn fine looking car. The seats support me just right, the wheelbase is short enough for rear end slides to be caught like a go cart. The steering feel and lock aren't the best I've experienced but it's damn close. The noise on the HFC and Miltek sounds great. Some say the Z seating is to high, coming from the M it feels like I'm sat on the floor which is great. I love the rear haunches viewed through the mirrors, it's reminiscent to a Porsche or the Racing Puma I once owned, lovely. It's a positive car and attracts nice comments, in the M people thought less positive thoughts I'm sure. The Z forum is one of the best I've used, Cutters was a less pleasant experience.
  10. I like the way it inspires confidence over my dire and vastly overrated M3 (E46).
  11. Same here 85k and original clutch.Biting point does feel weird but once you get used to it it's fine, also because I have a DE 04 car pulling away improved no end after the throttle was mapped as part of the Uprev at Hdev. I used to take my Honda to TGM and they were very good.
  12. I've had a few black cars over the years and when they are clean look great, keeping them clean always required more effort in my experience as even a light dusting of pollen makes them look filthy. Blue is a nice colour and sits half way between black and silver with regards detailing maintenance. From a safety perspective the brighter the colour the more visible you are to other road users from a distance especially on country roads.
  13. All I can say is I've seen a 370 at Hdev with the entire front end removed having this work done.
  14. Read my post again. Rule 268 specifically deals with traffic and congestion mate.If vehicles are travelling at similar speeds only. Like I said it's a judgement call, if for example I was still policing the motorways and I saw you undertake a vehicle at 70mph who was doing say 55 mph in lane two when lane three was clear of traffic you would get a tug
  15. I'm certainly not condoning the undertake manoeuvre but in the real world it's a judgement call we all make. I would fully expect to get hauled up for doing it especially if I'm approaching to fast or exceeding a posted limit to do so. I think we all know the correct procedure is to maintain a safe distance behind the hog, alert them to your presence and if no action is taken move right to overtake. Here's the problem though, your dealing with a total stranger in front of you and by flashing your lights or honking the horn may induce road rage. The drivers that overtake and pull back into the correct lane one leaving plenty of room behind and not cutting the hog up are textbook driving and thus putting the hazard behind them safety.
  16. I have absolutely no interest in the turgid Merc but the porker is lovely.
  17. I have Motul 5w30 in a DE and no symptoms you describe. My gauge is normal.
  18. Although crawling past, basically undertaking a vehicle on your offside isn't advised many do. I don't see an issue with it if you have an escape route that's clear on the nearside shoulder.
  19. Yeah I was one of them, 20 years together and still not married. Anyway I'm saving for a GTR so she can bugger off.
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