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Everything posted by Zeezeebaba

  1. Christ on a bike, I normally work Christmas but this year I'm not. Dreading it.
  2. I had an ST 170 for about three months, probably the worst focus variant ever IMO.
  3. I bought some off a chap on here for 600. They do offer an improvement over stock pre facelift DE lights and are plug and play. Well worth the outlay even at 800. Ignore I didn't realise you had halogen
  4. A lotus/vx220 et al gives you that go kart feel through your body. They are as intuitive as a go kart and I've certainly never driven anything that comes close to the way they feel so instinctive. Excellent driving machines.
  5. Uprev map can turn these off. Worked for me on HFCs no problems since.
  6. Cheers lads. Yeah I think the BC kit is the one for me. I'm going to get Horsham to fit them though.
  7. Cheers lads, that's recommendation enough, plus Jez rates them at Hdev. I'm only really interested in a road set up but at least I have the option to tweak for the track if need be.
  8. Congratulations Well my oldest is 19 and youngest 10. At no stage has the type of car I run affected our ability to transport the family. The missus has no interest in cars and has always been happy to own the family wagon leaving me to own whatever I want. Even when I did own 4 seat cars the kids rarely travelled in them anyway.
  9. I certainly thought they were good value, priced nicely between budget and premium.
  10. Anyone running these. I'm uprating my suspension and Hdev recommend these units. They look pretty good and well engineered.
  11. It won't blink unless you carry out the pedal dance. Check out YouTube and search for 350z CEL reset.
  12. From what I've seen at Horsham as stated the engine stays in the car for this job. Even on a 370 albeit the front end gets removed for access but the engine stays put.
  13. How did you get on? I've got to get under the front end again tomorrow because yet another annoying and infrequent knock has appeared! I have replaced the following, bananas, lower arms, all cone bushes associated with, drop links. Now its fairly smooth except when at a snails pace over say a speed bump when I get a loud knock that sounds like your slapping two plastic chopping boards together. Damn annoying Drives fine otherwise, alignment is spot on, no uneven tyre wear. Only things left to look at are the hub carriers, arb bushes (unlikely),shocks and checking all bolts are torqued up correctly.
  14. This is a fairly common Z issue especially post cat sensors. Mine wound me up so much I bought HFCs and an Uprev map to blank out the rear sensors for good.
  15. I had a little moment after checking that article out, stunning
  16. Although I've never been diagnosed as having depression I appreciate it's an issue for some people. Yes there are times when life throws a curve ball your way and things start to weigh down on you. Personally I can say with some certainty it's not an affliction I will ever suffer from. My mindset is based on the knowledge that human beings gravitate mentally towards negatives over positives.A negative issue upsets the balance of your life and all positives get washed away in an instant. The catalyst could be materialistic e.g. financial or indeed emotional like a relationship breakdown or death of a loved one. The key for me is concentrating on the positive aspects which start with personal well being, contemplating others who are in worse scenarios and coping with them. Looking at positive aspects of my life which usually outnumber any particular negatives at any given moment. If for example I'm told I have a life threatening illness (probably the most depressing scenario I can think of) and that illness gives a limited time to survive then the last thing I'm going to do is mope about something out of my control. Once your dead your dead and that for me puts depressive tendancies in a little mental box filed away in my brain as it's of no use. Life is to short and to precious to waste time letting life's little annoyances get you down. Easy for me to say I appreciate that but just my own personal slant on this thoroughly informative thread.
  17. In my experience any particular dyno isn't a bang on science and I've only ever used them to gain increases after mods. Yes you will get a set of figures that may reflect a close enough approximation of your cars output and definitely something to go on regarding any improvements you might like to make. Mine for example started out as a stock DE and have an initial reading of 280.1 bhp. This was improved on the day by Berk HFCs the Uprev route and a service to 295.3 bhp. Since then the plenum spacer has been added and on the same dyno it's coming in at 306.4 bhp. So healthy gains after mods and more importantly on the same Dyno at HDEV. Whether it was actually 280bhp initially is up for debate but the gains are tangible.
  18. 1.buster  350z Ferndown/Bournemouth 2.W8BGS 370z Parkstone/Poole 3.Zeezeebaba 350z Basingstoke
  19. I have two, one on the car and one in the garage. Just checked and neither have any foam in them.
  20. Silver hides it longer but black when clean is superb.
  21. Always liked these, nice car.
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