I have a 370 itch to scratch so decided to have a look at one today at a second hand dealer near Guildford. It was a white GT with shadow rays and externally looked very nice. Unfortunately the interior wasn't up to par for me.
A couple of questions if I may...
Firstly it had an aftermarket induction system by AEM. Looked and sounded ok but I've never heard of them, any good?
Secondly a rather shabby repair had been carried out on the boot blind where it hooks on to the boot lid, is this a common problem with them being fragile?
The silver trim around the gear stick was in a terrible state and it had cheap tyres fitted, add the fact the engine bay was in an awful state and the underside was in bad order I walked away.
I was impressed otherwise with the seating which I know is a bugbear for some but it went lower than my 350 seat and I found it quite comfortable. The clutch pedal was a tad to high for my liking and visibility was risible.
I think I will take the plunge after Christmas if a decent one comes up. The previous owner of the one I went to see now has a nismo so is probably on here