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Everything posted by Zeezeebaba

  1. Ironically I agree, most newer cars just don't do it for me.
  2. Enjoy the new toy, yes they have a rep for issues but as with anything automotive if you keep on top of things the smiles per mile make up for it. All the best.
  3. Regardless of celebrity it's how it impacts on a personal level. For me it's a poignant death in so much as she was a piece of my own history with regards fond memory. A bad year for celebrity deaths granted and a very bad year for politics as well. Roll on 2017.
  4. I'm not a tax expert but how does donating to charity on a large scale benefit? I'm sure it does somewhere along the line. This isn't a character bashing just a general question.
  5. Good cars these, easy to push on in and Ford have been chassis masters on FWD cars for years now with safe predictable and exploitable instinctive handling. In standard trim no faster than an EP3 but with good mods can shift very well. Thirsty but no more so than a Z and the blue is the best colour. Good choice.
  6. The lads down the local cottage will sure miss him.
  7. I've gone weeks without seeing another Z then boom two in one day First was a 52 plate silver JDM following me near Seale and the other a GM facelift on the A287 going the opposite way near Odiham.
  8. Have a good one peeps, this is the first one I've not worked in 7 years
  9. That's a shame. Wasn't it Rick who suffered from RSI after playing the same four chords over and over again?
  10. I pulled mine out, acquired a standard cubby and modified it to house a tomtom Only downside is I now need a new head unit to get my reverse cam working again.
  11. I've had my 20mm all round set up on for 6 months now. Being overtly paranoid about them I've checked the torque settings once every couple of weeks . I have also replaced all major suspension components bar the shocks. What's changed, well aside from the car looking better I concur with others who say it definitely feels wider and more planted but does hunt road imperfections more. It still stays true and straight on the motorway though.B roads with more camber are more pronounced but otherwise it's fine.
  12. I've actually T boned a police car, wasn't my fault as he decided to pull out of a bus stop and do a u turn without checking his mirrors or giving a signal. Obviously he attempted to get out of it with the force insurer by saying I had hit the rear of his vehicle. However once I had asked for the damage report it was clear the damage was between the two axles on the offside. To be fair the force insurer looked after me with an array of high end courtesy cars until my old Type R was repaired. He also made the mistake of admitting liability with a witness at the scene. Ironically as his supervisor was administering him a breath test at the scene a group of boy racers passed by and found it very amusing
  13. Like 1) The noise it makes 2) The design 3) Steering weight 4) It's footprint on the road 5) The way it still makes me smile Dislike 1) Dipstick 2) Did I mention the dipstick? 3) Lack of reach adjustment on the steering column. 4) The chocolate suspension components. 5) The standard Bose system
  14. I had a company Passat a few years ago and the electronic handbrake stuck on at a roundabout. Caused chaos. Stupid invention.
  15. Your right but also wrong. The distance required to safely overtake a large articulated vehicle does indeed rely on line of site, during peak times on the average B road your distance for line of site alone could be up to three times the length of the truck in question. Not only do you need to make up that ground but also pull in safely relative to the trucks speed however slow that may be. I wouldn't say the driver in any vehicle regardless of size is predictable in their actions, one mistake by a truck your overtaking and your in the ditch
  16. This stop was circa 1996 and it was the first time I had seen a red booklet licence. It had about four or five pages in it if I recall.
  17. No point stressing about slow drivers it's getting to your destination in one piece that counts Anyway there are plenty of LGV drivers etc that are required to drive more slowly by law, I would rather have a car in front driving slowly than a brick wall of a truck with less opportunity to overtake safely. I must concede however that woefully slow drivers especially at peak times do border on driving without consideration for other road users and unknowingly may be committing an offence as such. I stopped a gent once for travelling at 20 mph on the A3. This was a 70mph stretch and the driver was elderly and rather confused. He produced his licence a few days later which was the old red book format. Rather than face any legal wrangle for careless driving he held his hands up and surrendered his licence finally acknowledging his time behind the wheel was over. The main issue as I see it is the frustration caused to others who want to make decent legal progress. This forces other drivers to risk dodgy overtakes etc.
  18. Well in two years of Z ownership I've had few who tried it on and they all won purely because I'm getting to old to care about my ego I just let them go and enjoy the rest of their day.
  19. Ironically my belts needed changing at 89k.
  20. City motor holdings in Basingstoke went to the administrators a couple of months back. The franchise included Ford and Honda with both having been in the town for years. Another Ford franchise has taken the premises on but Honda has gone. I have noticed an increase in used stock over the last ten years or so on most forecourts.
  21. Insurance as others have said mate. You still local?
  22. To be fair I was bored of the old Top Gear as it was getting a little staid, regardless of what they try on TGT I doubt very much I will find it entertaining. I just don't find them funny anymore. Had Clarkson and Co stayed with the BBC I would still feel the same. I watch car programmes for the cars not the presenters.
  23. I use Wurth rubber treatment.
  24. Par for the course on most vehicles over six years old. Selling privately or to an independent dealer is the only way to make anything near market value.
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