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Everything posted by Zeezeebaba

  1. Laces belts and socks fluorescent with a grey suit and grey slip on shoes. The old photos don't lie
  2. I have a superdry hat and coat, winter attire only. But hey I'm super chavvy as most of my middle age wardrobe comes from primarni Skinny jeans just look stupid IMO plus any trouser with turn ups. Other than that I couldn't give a monkeys about branded lifestyle fashions or indeed cars. I'm the polar opposite of my sister who wears all the latest gear drives a dull as f**k Audi and would happily pay 2k plus for Neff appliance and £90 on a t shirt etc.
  3. Headlights look s***e but I like the rest if it.
  4. Zeezeebaba

    New Z

    A new Z needs to be lighter have a smaller capacity FI power plant and have a chassis blessed by the gods if it's going to sell. Not only will emissions and economy be a must but aesthetically it needs to look cool. The rendering posted doesn't tick any visual likes for me. Also all this banging on about lifestyle cool interiors and quality means nothing to me personally. It's all about the drive for me, this is why I have never touched an Audi. I've tried to like them but by Christ they are dull to drive. I like mustangs for the event they are and commend Ford for releasing them over here. As for electric cars, well as a petrol head they usher in the end of my hobby and although a threat I commend manufacturers for exploring future tech. Do I give a damn about 0 to 60 in 2 seconds, no not really. I would rather take 5 seconds and enjoy the theater of a nice V.
  5. Mine were just plug and play on a UK car.I don't recall any extra plugs.
  6. Glad your happy with it. I've owned mine for just over two years which is a miracle because cars usually last 6 to 8 months on my drive This in itself speaks volumes on a personal note because I never really lusted after one but always thought they looked cool. Having owned numerous fast Hondas and Fords I made the mistake of turning to BMW. I had two E46 a 330ci and an M3. TBH the 330 was a lovely car but the M envy got hold and I chopped it for the M3. HUGE MISTAKE easily the most unreliable car I've ever owned. After sorting all the issues out and a hole on the credit card I needed something reliable but still fun. As my son had recently turned 18 my need for 4 seats diminished so I looked at cars about 1k below the value of the M. A dealer not far from me had a 350 and it was clear most of his stock was German. After about 3 milliseconds on the test drive I was smitten with the Z. The deal was done with some change in my pocket, happy boy. Yes I've spent a fair amount on her since then, most of it on preventative maintenance and part replacement. But that's the thing, it's also a car I've wanted to modify which is rare for me. The addiction is called Zeditus and I can attest to it being a very real and tangible thing They are superb cars and the noise, the poise,the garage forecourt picture perfect ego boost, it's all there. Mine is on 95k miles and aside from a few niggles still feels tight. Enjoy
  7. Every Z has quirks it doesn't matter which one you go for
  8. Rear camera? TBH I have no idea and to be fair my rear camera is a single wire so probably not.
  9. The only garage queen I ever owned was my little racing puma. The reasons for garaging it was the fact I had a daily 330ci and the Fords propensity to rust on the arches and sills whilst being a limited build of 500 cars didn't mix.
  10. I loved my bikes but one of them didn't like me Yes starting out on bikes taught me two things, awareness on the road and pain lots of excruciating pain I stick to cars now much safer plus the volume of road traffic has doubled since I last rode a bike.
  11. I love them both and will probably get a 370. Ive been to view loads of them and had a few drives. Massive improvement in interior quality and more up to date features. The only negative I found was rear visibility but it's not enough to put me off them as my other vehicle is a van with no rear visibility at all
  12. Well it is because the driven wheels are also the steering wheels put even a 10 mm spacer on a FWD and it can be felt in a negative way. I'm talking about feel not the technicality of it let's not get confused here. You are technically right of course and I agree with you and the physics of it. However after running the Z for a couple of years without spacers I personally prefer the car with them. I will be doing away with them soon as new wheels are going on the car that compensate for the wider track but until then the spacers stay.
  13. Still worse on FWD and AWD mate.As I've said I prefer the feel of the car now than before. There was a time when positive scrub was standard on some cars
  14. I disagree about the handling being worse (personal preference). Sorry but I've noted a vast improvement in its overall stability. The adding of the 20mm spacers on a RWD car isn't as much of a handling disaster as it would be on FWD or AWD. In isolation regarding the Z adding a positive scrub radius adds more weight and feel during weight transfer in cornering, it tells me more about the road surface and load. The downside for some is the steering can communicate a little to much but I like it Put it this way, would I rather drive something that talks to me than drive an Audi that has to much negative scrub as standard and feels dead.
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