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Everything posted by Zeezeebaba

  1. Zeezeebaba


    Makes sense I wouldn't either I'm in a similar game obviously, plus mid thirties is to young for my oppo.
  2. I've never seen an accurate dyno in my life. They are only good to measure gains rather than give a true HP result. I have a DE an early one, I've had all the usual mods done plus an uprev. Dyno had me 281 before uprev and 316 after the plenum and air box plus a service new plugs etc were done. Not to bad really. She has berk HFC and a miltek. I've noticed looking various readouts on here the DE has better torque over the HR generally but saying that I've seen HR with mods passing 330 and with a higher rev limit makes it a superb gain.
  3. Doesn't really need a plenum spacer as the dual intakes force the air where it needs to go. A definite for DE engines though as the plenum slopes forward restricting air to the front cylinders. All is subjective though as some HR,s struggle get quoted 313 even with mods. All depends on how healthy the engine is.
  4. It's not really the extra HP that makes the HR it's the extra 500rpm. The HR is a heavier car so any HP gains are negated. It's the dipstick position that makes it a winner for me
  5. Zeezeebaba


    Global security firm? Galahad associates? I think I know one of them
  6. Zeezeebaba

    My New Car

    Cool little cars.
  7. The irony is the original DE engine before the revup and HR seems a safer bet whether it's oil consumption or gallery gaskets.
  8. One car I always wanted but never owned. Love them.
  9. Next job on my list I started with the outside first. I'm not to bothered about the centre console I'm just going for door cards
  10. Your local, I'm in Basingstoke too I second the advice on Horsham Developments.
  11. Don't worry to much, I would be looking at your oil pressure when warm not lower than 15 and preferably above 20. If it's at say 12 get it checked out, I think Nissans safe min is about 14.5 but don't quote me on that (Cue the techs). Also a rough idle may be a sign, when getting the car serviced ask for a proper pressure check with a workshop gauge. The oil won't leak outside the car so your unlikely to see any oil on the floor. Replacement Inc labour shouldn't cost more than 850 at one of the specialists on this forum and most do it under 800. The beauty of the 350 over the 370 in this case is the access to the front of the engine doesn't involve removing the front end of the car as it does on the 70 so labour cost isnt as much.
  12. I can do the weekend after, 26th I think it is.
  13. Greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray. You two donkey d***ks couldn't get laid in a morgue Chet I'm not going out there with those things running around, you can count me out! Aliens. RIP
  14. It's a random issue that affects HR and earlier 370s due to the poor gasket material used. Not really anything to do with mods and from what I've seen most HRs are ok but it's just something to be aware of.
  15. Welcome I saw a car with a similar reg to yours on the M3 on Friday evening.Was it you?
  16. Blimey my other half has no interest in cars at all, he's a lucky chap and needs to get a ring on that finger ASAP! !
  17. Looking forward to this, GT is s***e IMO.
  18. I disconnected the battery before doing my MAF and was careful not to touch it. Was I being over cautious or is this the recommended way to do it? Throttle body needs the same routine though doesn't it?
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