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Everything posted by coyoteboy

  1. No, I didn't. You may have missed the point that you don't *need* a car despite emergencies arising though
  2. Think I've identified the cause on mine, it's been refitted without the glue. Works if pushed against the screen but not without.
  3. I don't really understand the difficulty. There are millions of parents without any car. How can having a specific type of car (sorry, two people with cars, one of which is suitable) mean you have to get rid of the one that isn't? Baffling.
  4. Any 370z owners in Glasgow!? Might pop to infiniti!
  5. Gah damnit! I will have to tinker then! Thanks for confirmation of how it works though, spent hours googling for manuals last night but pulled up nothing but US ones.
  6. Somewhat humourously after reading this I realised this is the exact symptoms mine suffers.
  7. I don't believe the sat nav status affects the presence of auto wipers. It might affect the speed sensitivity but why would they remove intermittent wipers, leave in the auto sensor and auto stalk marking? Anyone with out sat nav fancy taking a photo of their stalk before I start stripping mine? Ahem!
  8. Where I'm going with this is either my front intermittent is broken and so is the auto, or there is no front intermittent and the auto is broken. I know I have the auto sensor...
  9. Position 1 is *not* intermittent on my stalk, it's auto. And it does auto wipe the front almost randomly. I have no intermittent on the front. That's the point. The rear is independent and the intermittent speed ring functions fine for that as expected.
  10. I'm really not sure that's how it works (I know that's ironic coming from someone who's asking how it works!). From my understanding of the electronics and sensor systems involved, the sensor is a reflected/refracted light sensor - it fires light out of the window (possibly UV/IR) and looks for a return. The return is only present if rain causes internal reflection. The more rain, the more reflections and the brighter the return signal. It can measure this between wipes (and it uses the first wipe that it does when you hit "auto" to set its "zero" level). From that point on, it can identify how fast the wipers need to go based on peak brightness between wipes (i.e. rate of rain accumulation between wipes, or for a given time). There would be no reason for the int speed knob to set a speed, unless it was just to either set the intial trigger level, or to fine tune the wipe speed. This is how all systems work on every car I've had it on. Same with my peugeot - heavy rain - fast wiping, light rain - slow wiping - no need to calibrate anything on the fly. I think the reason mines now wiping at all is it's not seeing any response - either the sensor is dead or not glued as mentioned earlier. I think the rear is either triggered by auto or individually set. I'd love to hear a comprehensive reverse engineering of it!
  11. I getcha! If I turn the rear wiper to int, the interval ring changes the rear int interval correctly. If I knock the front down to auto it wipes once (to clear the sensor, same as my pug) then sits and does nothing, even when the rear is happily wiping away. If, on the off-chance the sensor does trigger an auto wipe, the rear goes with it regardless of int setting. It's as though the sensor over-rides the intermittent interval and since it's saying "dry" it never wipes the front, but the rear ignores it. No sat nav.
  12. Auto and intermittent are not the same. One uses a rain sensor in the windscreen (which i have,) and has auto on the stick and is not speed sensitive, the other is a dumb or semi dumb (speed sensitive) wipe at intervals. Plus that manual page doesn't even resemble my wiper stalk and is missing the rear wiping. My stalk specifically links only the rear wiping to the intermittent function in its diagrams on the stalk
  13. Wipers not needed if sufficiently fast and rainx used?
  14. Nah I've tried it in max, no wipey for 5 minutes in drizzle. And if it's auto it should not be affected by the intermittency setting, surely?
  15. My 14 year old peugeot 306 has flawless auto wipers come rain, snow and torrential downpours!
  16. As you can see, no intermittent except for rear wiper. Rear wiper intermittency responds to the interval twist as expected but there's no stalk position for front intermittent, only auto. Car was first registered as new with a Birmingham plate, nothing stands out in the v5 or vehicle checks I did. Hmm
  17. That vid doesn't cover the wipers on my car - no intermittent option other than the rear!
  18. Found them http://www.tyreleader.co.uk/car-tyres/delinte/d7/275-30-r19-96w-264884
  19. Yeah, apparently a US "budget performance" tyre. However I suspect they've never seen a corner in their life and certainly don't do wet. Like 4th gear spin the wheels in the wet, and "butt puckering" at 50 on an NSL in the wet. Touch the gas mid-corner and I'm sideways if it's just started raining. http://www.delintetires.com/ OK, it's distinctly possible the screen has been replaced but I'm not aware of it. I'll have a look into that tonight. Do the covers come off easily or will I break stuff on the way (not lazy, just not near the car just now)?
  20. So I've been out for the first time in rain (scary, not sure the cheap tyres (Delinte D7) the previous owner put on should be rated for wet weather at all!) And found my auto wipers don't appear to work. Is there a trick, before I head to a dealer? They wipe once when switched to auto but then never wipe again. That's not strictly true, they have wiped out of the blue in the fog once but it was one wipe. Torrential rain doesn't trigger them and since there's no intermittent option it's bloody annoying in light rain.
  21. Is the sensor in the windscreen near the rear view mirror? On my old car it emitted a nice yellow light when functioning. Mine triggered today when it wasn't raining and I've no idea what triggered it but there is a TSB about it triggering randomly.
  22. No but it may have had before it had the bumper replaced.
  23. Can't find one that looks similar. And nothing Bluetooth apart from the head unit. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  24. Maybe the numbers in the middle represent unopened beers Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  25. Wouldn't that be great!? Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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