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Everything posted by coyoteboy

  1. Is it not only illegal if the light is emitted outward rather than reflected? That's what the cop who stopped my friend confirmed with a photocopy of the law from a book, but booked him for overly blue sidelights. Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
  2. Also interested in this, fitted pics for the 370 would be great. Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
  3. Anyone had what feels like 99%, but not 100%, disengagement of the clutch? I've got very few complaints with this car but it slightly crunches 2nd at times and at the same times it often drags - by that I mean if sat on the flat in neutral, push clutch to floor, engage first - as the syncros take up the speed difference the car nudges forwards a /tiny/ bit. Naturally any clutch drag would upset the syncro for second (and other gears) too so I'm curious to find out if there's adjustment for this or if it's all auto-adjusted in the hydraulics and not controllable?
  4. FYI that weight isn't a weight, it's a vibration damper for NVH. I've just removed mine to fix the boot pop (has done) but I expect it may affect cabin noise!
  5. I'm on a mission to find out the truth. I hate buying on recommendation without understanding the reasons and how everything works first. They were quick to point out it does not affect oil viscosity and isn't a fix for already-crunchy boxes. Spent half my driving life quashing expensive product myths and heresay on another forum. Plus my day job I'm always skeptical of everyone's product until its proven to my own eyes without costing me or risking my stuff!
  6. Fwiw I just had a fairly lengthy conversation with the molyslip folks. They point blank would not answer my questions on synchro effectiveness being altered but did point out it was a permanent feature (effectively moly plating the parts) and insisted I rely on their good reputation. Personally I'm not convinced and its not recommended by several other fairly reputable sources so I'd advise against it but each to his own.
  7. Zmanalex - good to know! Glrnet - impossible to prove within sensible consumer limits. Plenty of folk sell snake oil with zero testing (not saying Moly do!) So I wouldn't rely on that assumption! I've emailed them asking for a technical explanation as to why its not an issue but a scan around the googledom shows a few concerns including some transmission manufacturer presentations on the subject. I'll await response!
  8. The gaps at the sides worry me, the big issue currently is road grime/salt thrown up and sideways. Does your cf one come separate at all? Might get an oem and copy it in cf myself at this rate!
  9. The box was designed to work with a specified oil with distinct properties, if you change those you're in unknown territory and why would Nissan not just spec its inclusion in their own oil (perfectly easy and possible).
  10. Well no at worst it can do harm. Reducing friction can do a number of things like cause bearings to fail (ball/roller skidding rather than rolling), cause synchros to function less well leading to gear damage and longer shift times. I'm not saying it does, just that it could. Usually folk put it in with an oil change, so they are bound to see improvements anyway.
  11. Sooo I'm missing my engine undertrays and I don't like it. Looking about there are the zspeed ones and a couple of others like the nice tollboothwilley ones on flea bay but at ~200+ notes It would be good to hear of anyone's opinions on fit/function.
  12. I struggle with the idea of molyslip. No, absolutely no OEM manufacturers suggest using it. A number of key components in gearboxes /rely/ on friction to work- namely the synchros.
  13. I have this too. Need to get the wheels off to investigate but came at the same time as fitting spacers. Goes away with heavy braking and isn't as obvious at low speeds.
  14. Spotted, smiled but couldn't wave in time. I was in the black 370 heading north!
  15. Mine stopped half way through a wipe and now won't move. Feels firmly stuck with a little play "1 inch" and if I shove it to one direction, turn it on then back off it partially moves as I turn it back off. Might just dewiper it tbh.
  16. Yeah there's a silver 350 somewhere in town centre near Xmas with full bonnet venting and nice wheels
  17. Interestingly though my 370 does this every time I drive it hard. This is the one thing I'd not considered! Cheers EzyGiz!
  18. Purred out of the carpark in front of me.
  19. Was just heading by there before, spotted this pulling out of a car park near a sports centre.
  20. It's the 370z kit which seems to be sold as the same part. I actually think it's the nismo 370 kit but the stock 370 is missing bits there too? Didn't see a note in the original post for this saying exactly what it was for, must have missed that.
  21. People can convince themselves of anything! Also "handling" is a woolly term that is subjective. It is not objective. I never said it affected castor. I said it affects jacking due to castor. And just go out and turn your steering and measure the corner height changes. Depending on suspension design you will see massive changes even on a bog standard tin top. Not over complicating, just not blindly assuming wider = better when working with a fixed suspension setup.
  22. You push the contact patch centre out which increases scrub radius, increases corner jacking due to castor, increases braking feedback over bumps and will slightly change your steering response.
  23. Are the corner pieces (outer parts of the front section) not part of the kit?
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