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Everything posted by coyoteboy

  1. Inside the fuel cap on my 2010 it says 98 minimum. I run 97-99. IS your manual from the US? EU 95 octane = US 91 octane and EU 98 octane = US 93 octane, give or take
  2. This has been asked many times and the answer always comes back "just drive harder". If you're a little more harsh with it it responds better. I don't like this answer but it works. I'm in the middle of replacing the diff mounting bush to try to help the situation as I think that contributes to the elasticity of the driveline.
  3. 21mpg caning it about local roads. I get 28+ on a run through the scottish highlands including making full use of the open, empty NSL roads, and 34 on a moderate motorway cruise.
  4. I think straight through would be a tad too much (might as well just buy short tails) but i might try putting in perf tube and a couple of bends to route it "straight" through, then back-filling with packing.
  5. There's no way of it going straight out, it has to go through the mesh wall and contort around several shapes - it's a contorted route because it's not fed through a tubular path, but yes - capping some chambers will reduce the attenuation at specific ranges.
  6. Certainly a bit tortuous but does a good job of silencing, that's for sure! Now trying to decide whether to modify the internals to keep stock look or use it as a fixture to make something better. Probably the first option.
  7. Super raspy. Check youtube for "resonator delete 370z". Too much for me.
  8. Cracked open a stock backbox this afternoon, been meaning to do it for a while after I saw a US guy had done it but his photos were on photobucket and have been culled. Here you can see the gas path of one half of the backbox... It flows in bottom right (hole facing the camera, partially hidden) and through the "mesh" separator, then out of the pipe on the left. The small right hand pipe is a resonator into a separate side pocket. The opposite is the direct mirror of it. No packing material was in there.
  9. Highest oil temps I see are under sustained motorway action. 110 worst case. Sits at 90 when running about town. I think limp kicks in at 130+, which makes sense because oils begin to break down about 135.
  10. I run a forum for another rare-ish marque and it's quite interesting to see similar things. The newer versions, while there are actually more of them, are less well populated. The older ones are cheap enough to buy and mod, the newer ones are more expensive and the people who would buy them are more modern kids who don;t really get modding and you'd be shocked at the drop off in car interest in the general population. I've no interest in modding my Z because it's too new, too expensive and plenty fast enough. Why bother. If I'd got a 350 I'd have spent the extra on FI and mods.
  11. The Celica GT4 bonnet vents have two variations, CS/RC/ST205 have a shield below them from the factory that diverts water off between rad and block. The air to air version has the intercooler below and the rain doesn't go up it unless the engine's on (and very hot). People remove and lose the CS/RC/ST205 and lose them with few ill effects. It just means you get additional corrosion. It's not great to get more moisture under the bonnet at any time, especially if the designer hasn't considered where water might not drain from, but it's a case by case call. I wouldn't without some form of water deflector.
  12. This happens with mine when it's not long been fired up - I think it's just a cold start stability thing. It goes away when warmed up.
  13. Due to lack of interest from here I've moved these to eBay (322271183542). Cheers
  14. Branded, yes, but not a major brand! Taddeo, I believe. I put time into identifying ones with 10.9 grade high tensile studs and good finish/alu grade but I'm not overly brand conscious. Couple more photos at https://flic.kr/s/aHskKd7mwH
  15. Put these spacers on a couple of thousands miles ago and I don't get on with them so I pulled them off again. Make the car look lovely, just the right level of fill. Looking for around £85 for the 4. Postage a fiver or you're welcome to pick up! http://flic.kr/p/Mt5jSK I'll give them a quick clean up before postage!
  16. I tried, totally lost her in traffic (fairly busy dual carriageway with a lot of side junctions). That said, it would have made no difference, she refused to accept she did it, she'd have refused at the time too, the only difference is I'd have had photos of the car but no proof of the impact. The only real solution would have been to stop other people as witnesses but the event was so minor in appearance I doubt anyone would have been bothered stopping in the moving queue - certainly no-one looked like they were going to as I initially indicated to pull over. Police don't care as no-one was injured, it's not something they'll even be called out to - it's a follow up visit after the fact at the very most (and they didn't) - they lost the report for 4 weeks.
  17. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose eh. Can't be bothered getting too stressed over it now, I was raging at first! IABodyshop seems to get great reviews from what I can see, the insurance company's recommended one gets shocking reviews despite being porsche and ferrari approved?!
  18. So a bit more info on this - they tracked down the driver of the other car who admitted to being there at the time but refused to accept they were involved and suggested it was mis-identification. They sent photos which totally hid the damage and refused to accept liability. My insurance company's claims company (they outsource it?!) couldn't be bothered doing anything, didn't even ask for images until I requested it, and then refused to persue it and handed it back to my insurance company direct, who it now sits with. So I'm probably going to have to swallow the excess and end up with a fault claim on my name.
  19. Simple one, probably... So I have my warnings set at 9000 miles for both oil and tyres. They both popped on together at 55XXish miles (noted as 55XX/9000 in the settings!) which seems odd. Do they have factory pre-determined mileage/time that overrides the user-set values? Ironically it popped on the second I got a flat due to someone's coil spring end sitting in the road - thought it was taking the p!
  20. It's not. My premiums went up 25% (universally, on all quotes) when my *other half* declared a non-claim, non fault incident and I had to declare it on my policies. My brothers premiums went up when he had a fault claim even with ncb protection. When I phoned an insurance broker (who I was insured through at the time) on an old car to ask if it was worth claiming for a car park incident I'd not been present for he ran the numbers and the premium increase was prohibitive, he advised I just got it fixed myself and walk away from the phone.
  21. Docwra - as above a) if it ends up knock for knock because there's no witness you lose your excess and get a mark against your policy (ignore ncb, it's a giant ruse anyway if you think about it). it can also be a LOT cheaper (like 3X cheaper) to get repairs done if you tell the shop it's not an insurance job. C) I insure 4 cars, and claim has to be pushed to 4 policies whether it is fault or not - they still put the premium up. There's endless reasons! You've obviously not had much contact with insurance companies - lucky you!
  22. I'm just north of Bishopbriggs but willing to travel for a good end result. Car was immaculate prior to this!
  23. Interesting, I'd not seen bad reviews of the body work at infinity hmm gonna need some recommendations then. This will be insurance, even if it's not recovered it will be cheaper to pay my excess!
  24. That's odd - works on mine, but probably best to avoid it!
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