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Everything posted by G1uk2010

  1. Cheers guys. I'm not expecting a massive difference as it's under 10% power increase. If only putting a turbo on was cheap lol But still think I will put some pennies away and get this done. As had been said power is power and if it helps with pick up in first few gears that's all good
  2. Are their many people with DE engines running Decat, plenum spacer, induction and remap? I know it only gives an extra 15-30bhp and a bit more torque. But do you feel the difference in acceleration and rev pick up etc? Thinking about putting silenced decats on my standard exhaust. Then getting plenum spacer fitted with a remap. I already have a pop filter fitted from when I got the car. Is it worth spending close to a grand for the extra grunt?
  3. Cheers mate... looks like a job and a half. Might be worth getting another head fitted if all will work well.
  4. After having a little search on here I can't seem to find any fixes for the dodgy system which the car comes with. I'm suffering with the usual issues if skippy CDs and the speakers all round cutting out when accelerating and breaking at times. It's pretty frustrating. I put some silica packs in the tape deck and this has helped a lot with the skippy CD but can't seem to find any fixes for the speaker issues. Are there any??? Would getting a new head unit installed cure this or do speaker issues with them cutting out still persist?
  5. Let us know how it goes. I have a S4 but no bluetooth adapter only the cradle. If it don't work I won't bother getting an adapter
  6. Still have problem with the eml... been back to the garage and the guy was great he's ordering new cats and need to take the car down next week and he will get them fitted..... hopefully this will sort it. I'm so used to dealers and garages lying to me and trying to fob me off its a refreshing change.
  7. Haha you must of posted as I was typing on my mobile
  8. I have seen AFM mentioned on forums a few times. They are near ipswich... have not used them myself but may give them a call when my next service is due.... http://www.afmracing.co.uk
  9. Spotted today around midday crossing QE2 bridge... i was the one in the other ginger 350z
  10. As I have 3 month warranty on it I need to take it back to the dealer. He has been fine and am happy with his service and seems honest, compared to other garages and dealers I have used in the past. I will not clear any pending codes now and see if it pings the eml.... I had a oil change and filter done this morning as the oil seemed a little low. Service history showed that it was last done 5k ago. The guy at the garage (different to where I purchased) who did the oil change had a good look over the underneath and was happy with the condition and said the exhaust and engine etc all looked good/sounded fine. I'll run this tank through and take it from there.
  11. Thanks for your reply. The car is a 54 plate so DE engine. Only mod I know of is cone air filter. The car had a knackered aftermarket decat exhaust on when I viewed it. The dealer had already ordered an original secondhand full exhaust with cats including manifold as the previous exhaust had a different manifold. The code was pending this morning as I used torque app and it said pending come to think of it. I cleared it then have done about 40 miles... checked and there are currently no codes pending.
  12. Is it possible for a dealer to stop the eml light from coming on if a certain code arises?? The reason why I ask is I had mine 350z for about 50 miles and the EML came on. The dealer checked it and it was a P0420 code Bank 1 Cat. The guy changed the O2 sensor and had it checked again by another guy with better equipment for a second opinion. This guy said it was ok when revving etc but if left on tick over it was going near the freshold for bringing the eml light again. We put some cat cleaner in with a full take of vpower on the view of running this tank through to see if it helped to clear it. I am in the middle of running this tank down and the EML has not kicked in again..... but I have randomly checked with a reader and some days it's brought the code up on the reader but not brought the eml light up. Other days it's been clear with no faults. I have checked that when the ignition is on the eml light comes on (so the bulb is still there and working). Why is the cat now not triggering the eml but coming up from time to time on the reader??
  13. I live next to ipswich road and went out a few times in the morning before work at 12 it probably was me. If it was a fat git driving it then it was Def me lol
  14. Haha what time was that... probably me
  15. Don't mind a bit of elbow grease ill get some bits in and give the marks a going over then give it a good polish.... If the rain ever holds out on my days off lol
  16. I've been reading through many posts getting tips already. Loads of info on here.
  17. I'll get some meguiars at the weekend and give it a good going over. Can you recommend anything to try and get a few light scratches out?
  18. I have a few little scuffs on the bumper and a very minor scratch on the door, I need something to try an get the worse out. I'm sure the door will come up as new.
  19. Will be by hand.... can't get on with the machines
  20. Hi everyone, Just brought a 04 350z a few days back. Been enjoying taking it out for some spirited drives.... taking a while getting used to, feels a lot different to other nissan I have had in the past (200sx and Skyline) plus I'm a bit out of practice as have not had a performance car for a few years. Hope to learn lots off you guys about the car
  21. Hi all, Just purchased a 04 350z sunset Orange. What's the best polish or wax to get for this, looked about a bit online and been in halfords and no one seems to do a orange polish. Any help would be appreciated. G
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