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About mikey2130

  • Birthday 20/04/1990


  • Location
    Blairgowrie, Scotland

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  1. how sturdy are the racks and what length are the wheel trays? price for postage if possible?
  2. just caught up on this thread after missing the last 6 weeks, and what a difference! So close seeing the final look! I can't believe how well those rear vents came out. I was expecting the gap to be excessive and small children would disappear inside but it looks tidy as. I take it (from the photoshopped versions) those wheels are staying the same colour? Anything else being added/changed you've not let us into yet? Also just got a call from my dad saying our car has developed a couple of bubbles in the paint since i left, so these will be sorted soon and while we're at it, get a full respray! Decisions decisions!!!
  3. Ah, I see. Didn't realise the stereos were linked to the ecu's. what a nightmare.
  4. Don't know any fitters, but i got my pioneer unit fitted on saturday in about an hour! had previously removed a bluetooth kit that was on the car when i bought it, so i knew what i was up against. Not to mention I'm a spark, but less about that. why not open the centre dash up and think about tackling it yourself? Just a quick addition if anyone is interested - usually with touch screen unit, the aux and usb ports will be on the rear so I've just bought this and will fit it at the weekend! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251835208818?_trksid=p2060778.m2749.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  5. I think this would suit someone after a direct replacement, rather than someone looking to upgrade, if thats what your getting at
  6. Taken from my 2003 350z gt. tape and radio work fine issue with cd player - sometimes works fine, sometimes skips like a bitch! just the unit available, i do not have the harness for it. may fit direct into standard harness? Located in blairgowrie, perthshire. collection welcome but i can post at a cost.
  7. Just sat a rear thru this thread and what a great build its turning out to be! I have had some similar ideas for my car but making them reality is a little bit more difficult! I love the v2 bumper as they are and will defiantly be fitting one in the future, but the slim single vent idea you have looks pretty sleek! will be keeping an eye on this one..
  8. Nooooo! I feel your pain Sounds like the worst news ever! How'd they trick you into that? On a better note, fitted a K2 exhaust to the z and ripped out the bose stereo for a JVC double din (temporary!!) til I can afford the pioneer unit I'm after!
  9. also, anyone got a wiring diagram for the bose sub? Trying to figure out what each cable is. there is a 24pin plug and an 8 pin plug. tried scanning the forums and search engines but no-one seems to have a clear cut answer!
  10. thanks for the replies guys, going to go with the converter/body mounted ariel that evansjd has. seem pretty neat. I take it a double din head unit will fit straight in, or do i have to buy a separate facia?
  11. Ive decided its time for the original head unit to get taken out. looking to fit a double din with touchscreen, bluetooth and DAB preferably. only thing is, you normally need a different style of ariel for dab, so was wondering if anyone has successfully fitted a dab radio to a 350. thanks.
  12. definite flat battery! the ticking noise you hear is either the plugs firing or the starter motor solenoid coming out, but won't have enough juice to turn.
  13. Multicar has always been the cheaper option, but how its worked out makes no sense to me. Currently myself, my dad and my mum are on a policy with 4 cars. Previously i insured my car separately and my dad insured their 3 cars separately. the cost for myself was around 800 per year, and he was 1500 per year. Cars in question : 2003 nissan 350z, 1998 Mitsibushi Pajero Evo (import), 2005 Mitsibushi Shogun 3.2D, 2001 Audi a4 2.0 sline I was only insured for my car, and could not drive the others. Now we have combined all 4 cars it has brought the cost down to 1700 per year and all 3 of us are insured to drive all 4 cars. better yet, I only have to pay 600 instead of 800 as his business covers the insurance for the shogun! Good to point out I have 6 points with 3 previous and I'm only 24, and my dad has 3 points and one accident (smashed into a corsa, didn't even scratch the shogun) and is 51!
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