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Everything posted by Snjur

  1. Well Ducati had made a brand new bike from scratch since the 2008 when they enter 800 cc bikes. This bike is the best of Honda and Yamaha. Engine layout and position is quite similar to Honda design exhaust and other few fetures are taken from Yamaha. Seamless gearbox. It took them quite time to leave the philosophy they where chasing all this year's and which only worked in combo with Stoner and Bridgestone providing special tyre for Ducati. After that all was just chaos once they start using tyre which was same for all manufacturers. Unfortunately after that era with Stoner not even Rossi can make it with bike which is uncompetitive. Again now after Audi bought Ducati and under German authority and financial injection and force of abandoning idea of bike which is not working they are back where they belong. Also important thing is GP15 bike doesn't have many testing kilometers behind it. So the bike was actually still in Qatar in phase of development and tunes. Bearing this in mind and regarding advantages they have this year for development i think they could have the fastest bike around. Enough was to see top speed over strait comparing to Yamaha. I think they are on really good path to be in top
  2. Thanks mate. Well 1 liter plus ducatis are real thing. I had b4 this one 848 its a nice bike but.... This 1098S has Termignoni race Ecu, Termignoni complete exhaust, K&N air filter producing real 180 hp without this new age fancy electronic anti this anti that. It's man versus machine bike. And quite nasty evil meaning machine
  3. I wouldn't mind swaping my 350 for
  4. I've got this, most noticeable when using the clutch for reversing. Pauses for a bit then flicks out. Let me know if this solves your problem! Exactly. I was told this is common issue which can be sorted out by using braided clutch line and dismounting clutch slave cylinder and cleaning it or refurbishing it with new rubber rings. Did this fix the problem mate? So. I have replaced stock rubber line with braided and dismounted slave cylinder and cleaned it. Since it was Friday I put all back as I didn't have time to fabricate inner washers or seals or how do you call it. Definitely after cleaning and line pedal is much better and not "sticky" any more but to be 100% I need rubber parts Appreciate the info mate! I'll get a HEL line ordered from the group buy on here. Think the fresh bleed will help it too Sure it will be better. Plus I have found rebuild kit for slave cylinder and will go with that rather then with new rubber seals since the last coil od spring has been torn apart on mine Just had a quick look online and for the cost of a slave cylinder I think I might just replace it I found rebuild kit including piston rubber seal and spring for 28 euro
  5. I've got this, most noticeable when using the clutch for reversing. Pauses for a bit then flicks out. Let me know if this solves your problem! Exactly. I was told this is common issue which can be sorted out by using braided clutch line and dismounting clutch slave cylinder and cleaning it or refurbishing it with new rubber rings. Did this fix the problem mate? So. I have replaced stock rubber line with braided and dismounted slave cylinder and cleaned it. Since it was Friday I put all back as I didn't have time to fabricate inner washers or seals or how do you call it. Definitely after cleaning and line pedal is much better and not "sticky" any more but to be 100% I need rubber parts Appreciate the info mate! I'll get a HEL line ordered from the group buy on here. Think the fresh bleed will help it too Sure it will be better. Plus I have found rebuild kit for slave cylinder and will go with that rather then with new rubber seals since the last coil od spring has been torn apart on mine
  6. I've got this, most noticeable when using the clutch for reversing. Pauses for a bit then flicks out. Let me know if this solves your problem! Exactly. I was told this is common issue which can be sorted out by using braided clutch line and dismounting clutch slave cylinder and cleaning it or refurbishing it with new rubber rings. Did this fix the problem mate? So. I have replaced stock rubber line with braided and dismounted slave cylinder and cleaned it. Since it was Friday I put all back as I didn't have time to fabricate inner washers or seals or how do you call it. Definitely after cleaning and line pedal is much better and not "sticky" any more but to be 100% I need rubber parts
  7. Line has been fabricated So hopefully day or two it will be on the car. Also I will dismount slave cylinder and check the o rings if needed will replace them
  8. Got mine after bit time. Mount them all works fine. So in the end after bit waiting all end up good
  9. I've got this, most noticeable when using the clutch for reversing. Pauses for a bit then flicks out. Let me know if this solves your problem! Exactly. I was told this is common issue which can be sorted out by using braided clutch line and dismounting clutch slave cylinder and cleaning it or refurbishing it with new rubber rings. Did this fix the problem mate? I'm still waiting for my buddy to send me braided line.
  10. No worries mate hopefully I will be at home than. If any help or assistance feel free to ask
  11. Hm..... Sranje I don't even have tires. I have Michelin Pilot Sport 3 and that is not suitable for Grobnik
  12. Repeat the trip and come join us on Grobnik on Sunday So you have booked the track over weekend. I see bikers are complaining track is occupied for weekend. It's a track day or?
  13. Snjur

    New c63

    Previous model was epic car as with design and engine.
  14. And that's the car I can't afford. But I can afford FI Z which can give me satisfaction of beating 911 or 458. This what i am talking is less powerful Z with TT with bit more than 550 hp. 750 i havent tried. For me that's enough. If I had money than I would add 911 or speciale to my garage. Evo 6 i even wouldn't look next to Z. I'm talking about same age cars which come to Evo 8 Evo 9.
  15. All I wanted to say that 350z would blow 458 on strait line. Nothing else plus this Z has remarkably controlled deliver of power and momentum. Other comparison of this 2 car are pointless. Just brakes of 458 cost more than Z I get that, but so what? A modified Evo to the same power will leave a 350Z dead in a straight line AND round the corners, and be cheaper too. Well I'm not sure that Evo plus modification will come cheaper to Z and reliable as Z. If we are talking Evo 8 or Evo 9 plus modifications they come more than a Z. Anyway this is going wrong way
  16. All I wanted to say that 350z would blow 458 on strait line. Nothing else plus this Z has remarkably controlled deliver of power and momentum. Other comparison of this 2 car are pointless. Just brakes of 458 cost more than Z
  17. One of my usual crew had to get a driver to pull over at Cadwell last week so he could be sick, unfortunately the GoPro in the car behind wasnt recording though £170K chassis "doesnt come close" to £8K chassis. Really? Wasn't referring to chassis or brakes or gearbox. It was meant for power. In that way my impression was going geaebox and gear exchanges insane, brakes insane and rigidity of chassis
  18. I promise you the Speciale (Spaz) isn't like that. It's a flipping BEAST ! Sure I reckon that Speciale must be completely different car. Next time will try it
  19. Sure all well said but comparing to this TT 350z was just lacking that pound from low rpm. I remember with Ferrari bottom end was empty and fun started around 6000 rpm till red line. Thing which impressed me in Z was amount of torque delivered from 2000k and steady all the way to read line. Car is so perfectly mapped that this power is fully usable. No wheel spins as you would expect from that amount of power and as for handling it was on Pss b16 so it was quite handling. In the end Ferarri is Ferrari no doubt or question about that. But it didn't scare me as this Z
  20. Last year I rent 458 Italia in Maranello wicked car. Last week I was driven in 350z with Greddy TT kit with almost 600 hp and 700. Man its a wicked car. Ferarri I'm afraid can't come even close. Next to try is convertible Z with single turbo and 750 hp. But I'm still not sure wether I will have balls for a ride
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