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GT4 140/176

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About GT4 140/176

  • Birthday January 30


  • Location
    New Forest

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GT4 140/176's Achievements

Z Hopeful

Z Hopeful (2/7)



  1. Upto date list; From 300zxclub 1. Stephen/Z32bolt 2. Andrew/AndrewG 3. Scott/sdriver73 4. Simon/Mondo 5. Gary/GSC60 6. Simon/Funkysi 7. Richard (and Julia)/RichardSmith 8. Chris/chrisbasildon 9. Joel/Joely 10. Howard/Bigh 11. Rhys (And a friend) 12. Veilside 13. TheRealNips From Zclub 1. Candy Red 2. Huw 3. Russell From 350uk 1. Andyhut 2 Jetpilot 3. Tomb 4. Andy James 5. Buster 7. Bababongles 8. Terry06 9. Edd20022 10. GT4 140/176
  2. We're all here to help, you'll find the forum to be a valuable source of information for all things Zed 😉
  3. Welcome to the forum from the New Forest, great pics ;-)
  4. GT4 140/176

    Nissan 350z GT4 140/176 Kuro Black

    My Limited Edition GT4 Number 140 of 176.
  5. Still loving my Zed

  6. Massive thumbs up to this today! I had a great time meeting you guys and girls and joining the convoy...very interesting to see what you've done to your Zeds...hope to see you all at another meeting soon 😊 Lee
  7. Jap fest Beaulieu

  8. Hey can I come along too please? I'm local to The New Forest ☺🙋
  9. Many thanks for the advice guys, the whole bumper has to come off to replace headlights. I was hoping to find someone that could definitely do the job for me as I'm not very good in this department...
  10. I recently bought these http://www.amazon.co.uk/FK-Automotive-FKFSNI011003-Daytime-Running/dp/B006DEKRD2 I took my 2005 GT4 to a local body workshop and they couldn't fit my lights. They said the bulbs from my original lights didn't fit properly in the new headlights?! Can any traders or people in the know help me please because I know these lights will work in my zed. Do I need a HID conversion kit? If so which type? Any help would be greatly appreciated :-)
  11. I had new discs and pads fitted all round in Jan...not cheap...feels like a new car now. Was nice to get her fighting fit again
  12. Fantastic! Right i'll get some then and hopefully when my MOT is up in May i'll sail thru too. Cheers Kingrob...awesome mods by the way :-)
  13. The headlights look awesome and i want some too. Will they fit my GT4 2005 model? Also so many people have warned me about LED lights being UK road legal...are these totally fine?
  14. Merry Christmas & Happy Driving in 2015

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