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kernow zed

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Posts posted by kernow zed

  1. There's a government website now where you can check the past MOT history of a car. Useful for checking what has needed doing in the past including notifications. Should give you an idea of whether it is generally sound as i have seen reports that have said the inside walls of the tyres are unevenly worn etc.

  2. Dems got some reel purdy crude oils in dem dere Camelford hills, boy.


    Lol I only use the good stuff but I'm quoting from the manual. Go look it up.

    Isn't that for yank cars (hence Dans none to subtle yank hillbilly reference) ?



    Can you even buy 91 Ron in the UK?




    Yes but it quotes 91 and 98 ron. If the lower ron is the yank grade then the upper 98 grade would be yank also and this would be well over 100 ron here.what im getting at is they seem to be using us grade for the lower and uk for the higher grade which is confusing the issue

  3. Its disappeared from autotrader but is still being advertised by greenwing cars in manchester. Its a ginger z originally a 54 now on a 55 plate.


    Just realised its k155 not kl55 so ok after all. Doh!

  4. Just been mooching around autotrader and there is a dealer advertising a car that was originally a 54 plate as a 55 plate. He says its a private plate but even so i thought you cant try to make a car look younger than it is. Thought they would know better.

  5. Only going to tesco for some shopping. I didn't even know about this run tbh. I caught up in a load of MX5s on the way back and probably got on their nerves by pushing my way through them as they all seemed to be going quite slow. Probably so they wouldn't get all their hair products all muddled up.

  6. Plate lift due to corrosion is pretty common on older Brembo callipers, loads of Porsche callipers with issues


    I think it can be a torx or hex bolt, I would inspect closely. Bolt is likely to be well seized in, as well as loctited, heat can be useful. If its totally ruined then splitting the calliper gives access to weld on a nut, or drill it out.


    Not the same calliper, but same idea (pictures from the internet)








    Pads can be shortened as a temp solution to get the car mobile, file, linisher etc


    You can DIY if you have the tools/skills/time or send them off to get done.


    Thanks a lot. Very useful information

  7. Do you mean the two plates which sit at each end of the pads ? Corrosion behind these usually pushes the plates forward causing the pads to be a tight fit. Usual trick to fix this is to grind the metal off the end of the pads a bit. Though not too much so they are loose.


    Yes thats the problem although i would prefer to get rid of the corrosion rather that shave bits off the pads tbh

  8. Appears that there is a non removable thin plate inside the caliper that has become corroded and is not lying flush against the caliper wall.is it possible to refurbish this or do i need to obtain a second hand but sound caliper. I know the oem ones from nissan are extortionate

  9. I have to disagree with what seems to be the majority opinion on here that the higher tax cost is an insignificance (unless perhaps you`re fortunate enough to be dead rich). Paying monthly it now costs me £12 more each month than what the wife pays for the year for her car. Together with the fact that I seem to need to put a tenner's worth of fuel in each time just to nip to the local shops a couple of times a week makes it rather expensive for what is effectively a driveway ornament for the majority of the time. If I didn`t love driving it so much when I do take it out I`d definitely be looking for something more reasonable to run.


    Drive it more then ;) I do 15-20k a year so well worth it haha


    I did 13k in my first year and with these miles the petrol is by far the biggest pain

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