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Posts posted by cob1980

  1. Grrr...your 350 keeps appearing (I saw it on Facebook) :rant: . Do you realise you've given me a right dilemma... I bought an azure 350 a few months ago and now I'm wondering if I bought the right colour!


    Honestly I wouldn't change a thing, you can't improve on perfection haha! The front splitter finishes it off perfectly IMO, and matches the line of the side steps. Wheels and colour look spot on.


    Oh and I want a gloss black roof also.


    Do you wanna sell it?? :teeth: What colour is it? i.e. colour name/code?

  2. I have the below which are great. Its madness to buy cheap wheel nuts unless you don't value your own life.




    Thanks, a contender! Yeah a nut was pretty much a nut before I bought those off fleabay but it was apparent when I was fitting them how bad the quality was. And at over £1 a nut I didn't think I was buying something so bad.


    Locking wheel nuts are a complete waste of time.

    Anyone who wants to thieve your wheels will not be deterred by a locking wheel nut. They can be removed just as quickly and easily (without the key) as any other wheel nut.

    +1 on locking wheel nuts. Spawn of Satan, and cause more problems than they solve.


    Only once had a problem with them, and hammered on a socket to force them off! So yeah fair comment, that's why I put as optional.


    You must be a busy chap replying to everyone's posts (or not busy :lol: ).


    Yep I did at least look at those 3 websites, but no harm in asking them individually I guess. Can I tag them to this thread :p

    You could always PM them all with a link to this thread. ;)


    I'm always busy.

    Just having a week off work now though so I can put more time in on here, ...it's either this or DIY and I'm so sick of painting at the moment. :surrender::lol:


    Will do. Haha, know the feeling after almost completely renovating the house. This year it's the garden.... joy! That and having a 2 year old leaves me with a minuscule amount of time on the 350!


    You have PM - I may be able to assist!




    Whoops - peabrain here thought he had a set of black nuts - turns out they are steel/chrome!



  3. I recently bought a new set of wheel nuts off ebay and quickly learnt there is such thing as cheap wheel nuts (which promptly got sent back).


    I can't seem to find the ideal type for my gloss anthracite wheels.


    Must be:

    - Branded

    - 50mm length at least

    - Black or maybe like a shadow chrome

    - Steel (unless I can be convinced otherwise)


    Nismo wheel nuts fit the above spec but...


    Preferably want:

    - Locking nut option (not just 7 sided)

    - Internally driven with 'key' so to reduce wheel damage


    Prepared to have deep pockets, gulp.



  4. 4x 18" Touring alloys with Bridgestone Potenza RE040 tyres.


    Tyres are in excellent condition.


    Fronts 225/45 5mm inner - 6mm outer

    Rears 245/45 5mm


    The alloys themselves I'd describe as fair condition, fronts have some kerb damage. All have some bubbling and lacquer peel.


    Photos: (Admin please note my username is not clear until photos are downloaded from Photobucket and viewed at 100% hope this is ok)










    Collection from Kingsbury, Tamworth B78. Or buyer to arrange courier.



    • Like 1
  5. uhumm... it's the 21st June ;)


    Im very impressed you remembered! haha. Was busy last night so didnt have time to post.


    LOL... Have to admit I had forgotten but then I just so happened to be reading your thread again yesterday :)


    Looks great, as you say totally suits the 350. I think I've seen one before or at least very similar but not known what it was.

  6. Update... Unfortunately yesterday I got called in to work as I am on-call this week so I literally turned up at the place 5 mins before closing. It was busy as normal. I saw one of the guys who I'd been dealing with and he apologised for not replying to my last email on Thurs. He said it had been a bad week as one of their customers had sadly had a fatal accident pulling out of their premises; they had to close up the shop in the week and were only just catching up. Anyway I asked him about the caps first he said it was normal practice to box up any parts - caps, valves etc then give back to customer when the job is done. So I should have had them back. He went in to workshop with another chap and the other chap came back out with my centre caps - woohoo! I wanted to speak to the original guy about the wheels but then he was busy with someone else. I decided to leave it for the day as it was closing time and obviously very busy still.


    Anyway another story - the wheel nuts. I'll cut this one short. I bought TITAN tuner wheel nuts, great design, cr@p quality so I sent them back. I'm going to buy 50mm nuts so this will hide the lack of paint. I'd be happy with that. As the hubs areas, I'll ask them again if there is anything that can be done about that without having to go through the hole refurb process. TBH the hub part is not that noticeable I was more bothered about the lug holes so I may just leave it considering the rest of the wheels look ace.

  7. The pricing is what kills my following argument a but £300 doesn't usually get you 99% perfect either.


    Hand spraying wheels is tough. I've seen much much worse and if I'm deadly honest I've done worse myself (but then I don't charge £300 and I make it clear is a cosmetic 'refacing' not full refurb').


    £300 is a tough price......it should be right. £450 is what in can get them FULLY refurbished for and that is a better than factory effort. £300 is in that twilight bracket of 'should be right but probably won't be'.


    Personally I'd just ask them to sort it out which they probably will do.


    As for the centre caps that's pretty bad. You can't just sling a customers bits.


    Mondo that job conversely is shocking!


    Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk


    Interesting thanks...more of an update below...


    I just had a set of Rays done by a local guy in shadow chrome left them with him for three weeks not a problem because they were a set when I purchased the car they were not to bad but needed a refurb to get them looking better :D

    Well I went to collect them when it was best for both of us so all good, when I arrived they were on a stand in the day light standing horizontally up the colour was good apart from on a couple of the wheels more than the other two there was what I call muck in the paint which I was'nt happy with. :thumbdown:

    So any way I left them with him to put right and he said call the following day,that day went and did have a call the next day to say he tried his best but said they still weren't right. :(

    But did say he could do no more and to collect and not pay which to be fare I can't complain about to much.

    Any way with out spoiling your thread we come to agreement both sides are happy with.

    I must say not fitted them to the zed yet but I do like the colour very much :D


    I do like the shadow chrome; I was tempted. I have heard the chrome finish can spoil easier...which is probably true since mine where a chrome finish before and all were bad. But it wasn't quite the look I was after so decided not to in the end. Glad you got sorted :thumbs:


    Just to add to what I said about my refurb experience: it took the guy three attempts to get them to the state they were in the photos and, to be honest, I don't think he knew what he was doing (despite coming highly recommended!).


    For starters, he heated the wheels then applied the powder primer. I was of the understanding that powdercoating involved an electric current, but he did it differently. The first time he tried them, he applied 2k paint over the powder primer, then a powder lacquer. But the heat needed to cure the lacquer bled the finish out of the paint, so he tried again. Same result.


    After some to'ing and fro'ing (where he asked me to pay extra for more materials!), he agreed that he'd have the wheels reblasted and then paint them at his own expense. When I went to collect the car, the first words out of his mouth were that there were some runs in the lacquer but he didn't have a fine enough grade of wet'n'dry to remove them. It was also dark and raining when I went to collect, so I couldn't properly examine them.


    When I looked at them the following morning, I took those pictures. When I sent them to him, he initially tried to blame the shotblaster, but he later said that he couldn't spare the time to flat the primer down to ensure a smooth finish. I asked him what he was going to do to rectify this and that was when he told me that I'd need to pay a further £250 to have them redone and that he would then only do them in a single colour!


    I wasn't happy with that as I'd specifically asked for them to be two colours and he'd told me that that was no problem at all. He made it clear that he wasn't prepared to offer any money back or to sort them at his own expense, and told me that my ideas of a "poor finish" differ from other peoples!! I asked him if he'd be happy if they were his wheels and that was the point that he said "for the price you paid, yes!"


    I ended up getting brand new wheels for the car as I couldn't live with the hatchet job he'd done on mine, which completely negated the cost-saving of having my wheels refurbed in the first place.


    I left a factual and polite review on his Facebook page, detailing every single message and interaction between he and I. His response? "Wow, really?"


    You couldn't make it up...


    For a while, if I saw anyone locally asking about wheel refurbs, I just posted pictures of mine and let people ask me which butcher had done them. I haven't gone on any kind of smear campaign against him, but I've told people (privately) when they've directly asked me where I had them done.




    That's really disappointing especially considering they came recommended. The finish on those is pretty horrific! I hate getting in to situations like that. Reminds me of when we had our driveway done (I think everyone has a bad drive story lol). In the end I had to cut my losses and tell the guy to do one because I just did not trust anything he said or his workmanship. As they say a picture paints a 1000 words... you don't have to slate the company, just show people the photos and let them decide for themselves.

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