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Everything posted by cob1980

  1. Carbon Fibre Cooling Panel, full width version. Like this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350Z-VQ35DE-Carbon-Cooling-Panel-/271994738685?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=MVCq%252BPvvGd%252FkjZQqU4c%252F%252BoAnIyo%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc Thanks Iain.
  2. The team appreciate that. Sorry for any inconvenience Iain but as you now know we're working on it. Yea no worries, I don't take the forum for granted, it must take up a lot of time to admin. Looking forward to the meet in a couple of weeks, not been to one before so will be good to put faces to names
  3. If I click the insert image icon above I just get a greyed out overlay (normally there would be a box to paste in an image URL). The only way out of it is the browser back button. I've tried Opera, Internet Explorer, and Firefox - all the same. If I hover the mouse over the icon it says javascript:void("), infact all do that except for the Twitter icon. Iain.
  4. First mod done, ordered white LEDs off ebay to replace the amber ones. Cost £1.89 for 20 and only took 15 mins to fit.
  5. Agree - I found a post on another forum that said the cause of the melting is actually the STi-R lens mod, if the sun is at the right angle it shines through the lens and on to the reflector melting it. I wasn't that fussed about the STi-R lens so definitely leaving that one out now. So yes as you say VHT should be fine on the rest of the lens housing.
  6. Where's the cheapest place to buy these please or does anyone have a pair for sale (must be mint condition). Preferably the carbon fibre look ones. Thanks.
  7. I just need to know when the four leds illuminate i.e. Do they come on with side lights or dipped lights etc? Thanks in advance! Iain.
  8. Done this yesterday, wasn't too bad, see my post here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/116432-facelift-headlight-mods/
  9. After a little research mainly on the American forums I decided to be brave and pull the headlights apart myself. Deffo a brown pants moment... Tips for anyone thinking of doing this: 1) 100 degrees Centigrade is enough heat to soften the glue 2) Protect the headlight from touching the sides of the oven 3) Took me 3 attempts to pull it apart, 5 mins in the oven at a time 4) Take your time! I managed to do it... no damage. I still can't decide on the finish. Also I have read if you blackout the reflector directly beneath the projector is can melt even with high temp paint. Just done the one headlight for now until I decide this and order all the parts I need.
  10. Wow..pretty impressive, well done! Am I being OCD thinking the manufacturers should make the lights long enough to go right into the corners? Yer definitely got to get someone else to do the painting. At least if I do the rest then I get to try out different LED's and what not until I feel it's right. I'm probably just being an old f@rt. I think I'll have a warm fuzzy feeling when I finally get these done especially if I can do some of the leg work. OK so first thing, I'll see if I can get the light's booked in at RSV to get them pulled apart... Watch this space
  11. Yes I considered doing that too (more options!), looks well done but I don't know if I'm that keen just something not quite right to me on the 350z perhaps it's just the shape of the headlight I don't know. It's normally the type of job I would love to tackle myself but as you said it's the pulling apart, sealing etc. and I have a habit of braking plastic tabs lol. Thinking about it now; perhaps a half/half solution would be best. I could get RSV pull them apart and leave the innards with them to spray up (I'm rubbish at painting). I could then work on the insides until I am happy with that, then take them back to be re-sealed by them!
  12. Alright Z'ers... I've been guilty of having these facelift headlights stashed away in my garage for the past year which I've wanted to modify but for various reasons I have not done so as yet. What I have done is nearly sort out the lenses as they were quite heavily scratched...I'd say they are about 80% done. I really want to get them fitted now so I thought I'd start a thread as there doesn't appear to be too much information out there on this subject so may be helpful to others. The main reason I haven't got them done is deciding exactly what I want and what parts I need to buy. I'm thinking halo's, blue demon eyes, gloss back internals, and chrome projector shroud. There are other options to such as STI-R (clear) lens, iron-man mod, different colour top corner LEDs. I'm still undecided on: - How much of the inside to have gloss black (I have read there can be issues with paint bubbling on the part below lens shroud) - If I should leave the amber LEDs as they are but hook them up the indicator bulb or... - ...change the LEDs to the same white colour as the halos and leave them connected to the side lights... - ...and if I do that I could ditch the standard side light bulb? - Whether to get CCFL Halo or LED type And I don't know what or where I should buy the halos from, and what compnents I need to do the demon eyes. And finally should I tackle it myself... or get a pro (thinking RSV Graphics) to do them for me. That's where I'm at Iain.
  13. This morning, azure blue, driving through.
  14. How he got it for £150, I've no idea, but you can get them here. That was the one I originally had my eyes on. It was from Redline Styling via ebay think he's trader on here but you can find him on ebay or Facebook too, here's the Facebook link https://m.facebook.com/RedlineStyling/?locale2=en-GB&oe. Perhaps it was a one off at that price as he only had the one available. Iain.
  15. Sheesh didn't realise the A5 was that long! This was not far from Hinckley. Couldn't even tell you what year, they went past that quick haha.
  16. Thanks mate, ha yes had to be an Azure when I was looking. Although I do quite like the grey zeds too. It's not bad at all considering its age, I do forget that it is a 12 year old car it just doesn't seem it! I wouldn't mind a dateless plate there's just not one that I've seen yet that I really like (and can afford ha).
  17. Cheers yeah love the Azure blue. Because the fans are single speed it's the same as when you are stuck in traffic for ages but even just having the aircon on does this. If I can find replacement motors at a reasonable price I'l probably change it back, but for now it's not top of my list as it works. Need to work on these headlights next...
  18. On Saturday was the first day I took the Z out since the end of Nov last year, I realised the radiator fans had packed up. I tried to refurbish the old motors; this worked to a certain extent but I don't think the passenger side fan was 100%. Mitz at Cougar Store sorted me out with a pair of Mishimoto fans for £180 which I got fitted this week. I was warned on here and by Mitz and on here about how noisy they are. On one hand it's reassuring that you can hear them working but on the other hand they do get a bit of getting used to. Anyway, all fixed cleaned and ready for it's service and Mot. Good news - service done and Mot with no advisories And the sun was shining so out for a drive... Iain.
  19. Flashed me and I waved back as we passed today at around midday. Very loud exhaust, loosened some ear wax for sure!
  20. Thanks, that's the old version but I don't think that gives dual speed, I don't think it would be any different to how it is wired now. Just found this, wonder if it's the same motors... Check out this item I found on eBay: http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=322063134079&alt=web
  21. I did warn that might be the case. I'm fairly sure there was a thread discussing the single speed issues and newer versions were supposed to be 2 speed, but the wiring required modding. I know and grateful for the warning but I had little choice as the refurb was not 100% successful, and new OEM is just ridiculous price. There's just 2 wires from each motor so I'm guessing the only way to have 2 speeds is to put a suitable resister before the wires are joined together.
  22. Thanks chaps. Must admit I am a bit baffled by it as when I refurbished the OEM ones the air flow appeared to be being pushed through the rad and I thought at the time that it was not logical being the opposite flow to the air when driving. Can't say I'm that pleased with the Mishimotos being single speed, they are a bit too noisy.
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