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  1. Hey thanks for your help, but the thing is I have sent them a email saying basically im not going to pay and they replied with this.This PCN was issued legally and correctly according to the British Parking Association Approved Operators Scheme. The amount of this charge is a genuine pre estimate of loss, and we are full authorised to operate on this site. Given that the signage is displayed in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, the fact that you were unaware of the terms and conditions in place is not considered a mitigating circumstance for appeal. In light of this, on this occasion, your representations have been carefully considered and rejected. We can confirm that we will hold the charge at the current rate for a further 14 days from the date of this correspondence, after which the full amount will be due.
  2. Hi can any one help I received a letter of highview parking saying I have to pay a £70 fine but if I pay within 14 days it will be £42, I have looked on the Internet about this and poeple say just ignore, I wonder how you all got on please.
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