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Posts posted by salesyZ33

  1. You done well in the pics mate. Again im not expert and agree with most of the posts above. Eating before bed is a no no especially toast! Drop the snacks and just have your 3 meals a day. Introduce some pineapple instead of the magnum dessert and you as above just a walk round the block a day or something just to burn off some of the carbs you have stored during the day... Good luck man!


  2. :welcome: I'm always in essex in mine! where abouts you from?

    benfleet mate I have seen a few about... There is a gunmetal one with led DRL


    Not too far then!, im in east london just off the A13. hate it locally so always drive down to the seafront lol

    East London not a great place to enjoy the car lol If your ever down the Front give me a shout ill pop down as im sure some other Essex Zed heads would :D
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