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    Milton Keynes

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Z Newbie

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  1. Same as mate, just saying I'd have a different colour.
  2. That's about what I'd pay. I want a gunmetal or anthracite finish tho
  3. A mate of mine runs a body shop and has refurbed our Q7 wheels, and does all the local garages, but wondered if the forged rims would pose him a problem? Will look through those threads. Cheers
  4. Looking into refurbing the Rays on the car I pick up 2moro, and as they are forged, is this a specialist job even if it's just light kerbing round the lip? Contemplating a colour change to
  5. All sorted, a member is popping over tomorrow, fingers crossed! Sometimes the internet is awesome
  6. Was going off the 0151 code, didn't realise til I spoke to the fella again.
  7. Looks quite hopeful this one. I guess the colour isn't to everyone's taste, but lots of grey or black ones about, so a wee but different!
  8. Potential owner here, seen a car I fancy in Liverpool area, but that's 2.5 hours away for us, and the wife's already wanting to kill me as I've spent waaaaay to much on fuel already!! Not to mention dragging our 2 year old and 2 month old all over the country at ridiculous times to view POS. Car is located near Cheshire Oaks. I'd be happy to supply beer tokens or donate to charity or forum or whatever. Cheers
  9. Does look good, something about that colour! Now to find someone in Liverpool...
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