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Toby Wilko

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    North West

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Z Newbie

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  1. This question may have been answered elsewhere in the forum so apologies if this is the case.... Can the fan shroud be swapped from the top (access via the bonnet) without removing any rad hoses? This is going to be a drive way sunday job so could do with it being as simple as possbile, I'm not entirely mechanically stupid as I've built bikes but I just haven't had much experience with cars...
  2. Cheers for the info guys, my mate is picking it up whilst I'm at work tomorrow to get it up on the ramps and check the fans... I'll give him a heads up so that he knows what he is lookin for!
  3. Hi 2004 350Z Apparently It has ornamental fans Overheated today in traffic, started bubbling coolant all over the floor. Top and bottom hoses were hot so I'm pretty sure the coolant is circulating but the fans won't kick in no matter how hot it gets. I'm guessing that this is going to be down to a stat or a switch somewhere.... any ideas? Thanks
  4. Fair enough, cheers! MIght be a little while til I get it done as I'm working in the US for 3 weeks in August, but it's first on my list when i get back!
  5. Cheers! I'll just keep beating up my car until I find a decent set up then I'm not looking forward to having to buy all 937 looms that are needed top keep everything working properly though!
  6. Hi! On a 2004 350Z GT(Bose system), from looking through the known faults, I know that the left door speaker cutting out whilst playing a CD is a common problem... Does anybody know a fix for it? I've spoken with my local Nissan dealership and they said "That's not something we've heard of, would you like to book it in for diagnosis for £78?" I'm quite happy to get my hands dirty and fix it myself but if anybody can save me time and scuffed knuckles with a bit of guidance that would be great! If it's something that is an issue with the headunit then obviously that's a fantastic reason to rip it out and get a new one!
  7. I feel mildly guilty that I could have possibly influenced you buying a private reg Noooo Toby I started looking the day I got her and saw ití ½í¸but yeah maybe in a way seeing yours made me realise an awesome car needs an awesome plate! My first mane initials are AJ she is an 06 and ZZZ well just makes it brilliant! Well I think so personalised but only if you know the person! Love it í ½í¸‡ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Get a pic up once it's on! Sometimes private registrations are better when they only mean something to people who know you anyway
  8. I feel mildly guilty that I could have possibly influenced you buying a private reg
  9. Thanks! After today it's on 26900.. so not far off! Got a quick snap with the new reg on today
  10. Cheers for all the replys and welcomes! Haha I know, everbody says it looks like it's an M at a glance anyway New reg docs turned up today though L11 TBY is now on the car
  11. Just thought I'd say hello and leave a few pics of my new toy... 54 Reg with 26000 miles on it, it's like new! Black interior which I'm told is rare for the black cars... Is that right? Picked it up last month for 8k from a dealer which I don't think is bad for the mileage and condition... It revealed that it had the clicky drive shaft issue after a couple of days but the dealer gladly fixed that for me. I've just had 2 new Faken ZE914s fitted on the back and there is a private reg on the way, so all in all I'm happy... but also skint haha!
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