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Everything posted by MCook

  1. Some teasers of the fronts on the car.. was getting dark, will have daylight pictures of all 4 on the car shortly..... very pleased with how they look! :teeth: The damage: (This is all on the one rear wheel, no photos of the front one as it is only chipped.) Love this photo
  2. The ripspeed spacer will only be temporary, will be ordering new nuts and spacers tonight! They fit fine now!
  3. Oh and another slight issue........... One of the wheel nuts is refusing to go back on. It is just spinning and going nowhere. New nuts required I think. Should I be worried about this? Is it safe to drive with one nut missing? Was planning an early morning trip to Halfrauds to see if they have new nuts.
  4. Went to halfrauds and managed to get some 5mm RipSpeed spacers. Therefore the fronts are now on! The rears will go on tomorrow as it gets dark too damn early. Pictures shortly. They. look. Amazing. The rears are soooo damn wide I cannot get over it!
  5. I am going to fit the rears, and will have pictures shortly. Also pictures of the damage
  6. Another twist, he want's me to buy the 2 replacements initially, and then present him with an invoice which then will be paid in cash to me from his pocket... I am going to contact drift works and explain the situation and see if they can supply 2 replacements as when I purchased them they were 10% off which has now ended, meaning the guy will have to pay even more. I do now have the wheels at home, rears fit fine, front's need spacing. However I could just do a grundy until I get spacers sorted!
  7. I am going to collect all 4 today with tyres on, then when the 2 replacements arrive they will be swapped.
  8. Look like I am getting 2 new wheels. The guy took the damaged ones to be referbed and they basically refused to do them, maybe because of the design or something.. So he has agreed to replace the wheels, but kwik fit themselves will not pay, it will be out of his personal pocket.
  9. Thank you all, I think it is safe to say I have learnt my lesson and will not be using Kwik Fit again! I went there expecting the staff to be experienced (maybe middle age or so....) instead they were all about 20 years old and clearly not the most experienced. Think I am a bit too laid back, which is why I did not kick off! I think my words were 'honestly mate, these things happen, don't worry about it' !!! He was a really nice lad, when he took me in the shop to look at the damage I even had a chat with them all about the wheels as they had not seen them before. He was really beating himself up over it, which I did not want, just one of those days for him i guess..
  10. I had fitted them prior. Obviously not expecting this outcome! That was also a thought of mine, they are only held on by a 3m adhesive backing, so once taken off they probably will no longer stick. Are they pretty hard or can they bend a little? They're pretty bendy, I am betting I get the wheels back with the inserts missing, and then get told I would have to get some from the supplier as they could no do the refurb with them on.
  11. I had fitted them prior. Obviously not expecting this outcome! That was also a thought of mine, they are only held on by a 3m adhesive backing, so once taken off they probably will no longer stick.
  12. Well i wouldnt like to second guess a situation or circumstance... but if it was my money that bought the wheels for my lad, then I would be taking myself down there to make sure they werent going to try to pull a fast one on a young face after a monumental kock up. * edited: I am making assumptions based on my perceived reality, which means I am in a likely position to be totally wrong. I mean no offense to MCook in either instance. The important thing (getting back on topic) is for you to get your wheels sorted The wheels were paid for 100% out of my pocket, just like the car was. I did not ask my dad to go down there, when I got home and told him the situation he was not happy, and got straight on the phone and went down there, he did not go off on one at the guy, simply said 'if they were your brand new wheels how would you feel and what would you want done'.
  13. The guy actually ended up saying.. 'I realised now we should have done it up-side down'....... I am soon gutted! Anyone hazard a guess to how long a refurb will take??! Considering one of the spokes is basically now flat level with the rim.
  14. Getting refurbished by a local specialist, as for why I went to quick fit... Had not used them before so I did not know any better! Plus they had 25% off!
  15. Nothing ever goes the way it should does it!! Lets just say 2 of my 4 BRAND NEW rims have now gone to be refurbished. Took them to Kwik fit today, fronts were done with no problem, tyres have a stretch to them but it does suit the alloy. He then called me out of the reception and into the workshop. He then showed me a tyre that they had tried to put on the rear, it was ripped and warped, and then explained that they do not have a tyre that will fit my rears safely. (without looking like it is going to split) He then showed me my brand new alloy.. The design my new alloys have means that the spokes overlap the edge of the rim and therefore stick out quite a bit, even with a tyre on they will still be stuck out. Not really realising this they had put it on the tyre fitter thing, the clampy thing came down, tyre started spinning and it has sheered 3 of the 6 spokes. Taken paint clean off and chunks of the alloy itself. I was given the choice of a £120 discount or they would pay for the refurb. I went with the discount as I thought the refurb will only cost me around £40... He then rested my 2 front wheels (which had tyres on) against the wall just by the door to a staff area.................. :headhurt: :headhurt: Forgetting that he had put them there, he came flying in through the door, it swung right open, hit my wheels and one fell flat on its face. The guy, bless him, was obviously having a very bad day and held his head in his hands in dis-belief. He has now agreed to pay for both to be re-furbished. My Dad was not happy when i got in and called the guy to organise to meet with him (it had gone 5 o'clock so they were closed), luckily he had not left work so back i went with my Daddy! (felt quite embarrassing) He demanded they buy and replace the 2 damaged alloys as they will not ever be the same after the refurb. The guy was adamant that you would not notice a difference and said he could not replace the wheels as he had already done a deal with me. Nothing is ever easy! Pictures of my sticky out spokes: (don't have any photos of them with the damage) As you can see my spokes overlap the edge of the rim, thats is what got caught in the tyre machine.
  16. Bob, what is that rear spoiler out of interest?
  17. Just one nut in, but it was flush with the hub. It looks similar to grundy's first photos of his Cosmis wheels (stuck out just like mine), obviously there will be a difference as you said when there is a tyre on there and when it it actually on the ground. This Saturday is going to be the day, I think/hope.
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